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Using The Four Idols Method Against The Good - Essay

by e-bluespirit 2005. 2. 23.



Using The Four Idols Method Against The Good:

Rushing Into War, Unilaterally



 Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave” emphasized politics on justice and the ideal government. Also, Bacon’s “The Four Idols” warned about the four idols of false notions possessed by human understanding. From these ideas, we can infer that political leaders should govern a state based on the virtue of wisdom, the goodness. However, the Bush administration acted as “The Idols of the Marketplace,” alliances of words, “War for Peace of The World” applied the capacity of the vulgar that has judgment all the received systems, “The Idols of the Theater.”


Despite the world remains divided, The United States and British launched military action against Iraq on March 20, 2003. Some Americans are like prisoners watching realties on television, newspapers, or other types of mediums that shape the feelings and intentions without assessment. For Instance, Colin Powell used satellite photographs, tapes of intercepted conversations and newly opened CIA files to make the United States case against Iraq in a determined attempt to win over international opinion on February 6, 2003 (Borger). The Bush administration adopted a false assertion that only the measure of the individual state not the measure of the world, “The Idols of the Tribe.” Moreover, Bush’s peculiar judgment derived from his contentious nature in a mind preoccupied and predisposed, “The Idols of the Cave.”


Furthermore, Bush was re-elected by his wild card, the religious voter, “The Idols of the Theater.” As elections approach in Iraq, Michael O’Hanlon at the Brookings Institution argues that the U.S. must rethink its planned approach. Beyond the perennial debate over coalition troop strength, three issues stand out in Iraq. First is the January 30 election. Second is the Iraqi constitution, which is supposed to be written by the end of the year. Third - and perhaps the biggest question for the US, UK and other coalition partners - is to begin developing an exit strategy. on each of these points, O’Hanlon maintains that the current Bush administration policy is substantially off the mark (O’Hanlon). Here was a candidate who spoke openly about his faith, said his favorite philosopher was Jesus, and supported the core policy positions of religious conservatives (Rozell). The voters should know the real facts without the credulity assumption that habituated with flattery devices apt the affectation for the people but in behind sought out for only his/her benefits.


On the other side, there are millions of anti-war group, such as LATW (Labour Against The War), against military action in the aftermath of 11.09.01. LATW unites peace loving people in the union and the Labor Party. Killing the innocent in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine achieves nothing. Peace only comes from justice (Corbyn). Those who saw the battered children in Iraq are asking for love and concern. War has created resentment and catastrophe. The world needs a true leader who is the brightest and best of being, of the good. Two years ago, somewhere between one and two million people in central London marched to protest against the impending war in Iraq. Even two years after, more than a million people still marched against the looming Iraq conflict (Jeffery).


Plato’s allegory implies the nature of goodness for people. Francis Bacon’s “The Four Idols” reflects not only on his times but on today’s circumstances that defining contemporary issues. Those who saw the battered children in Iraq are asking love and concern. War has created resentment against the U.S., and the worst catastrophe against the world. The world needs a true leader, the brightest and the best of being, of the Good who never forgets the lower world while ascending to the upper world.








Works Cited

Borger, Julian. Powell raises the banner for war but the world remains

divided. The Guardian on the Web 6 Feb. 2003. 16 Feb. 2005


Corbyn, Jeremy. LATW. Labour Against The War 12 Feb. 2005. 16 Feb. 2005


Jeffery, Simon. Unfading commitment The Guardian on the Web 15 Feb. 2003.

16 Feb. 2005


OHanlon, Michael. Missing Three Key Points on Iraq The Global Beat on the

Web 18 Jan. 2005. 16 Feb. 2005


Rozell, Mark J. “Bush’s wild card: the religious vote” USA Today 21 Sept. 2004.

16 Feb. 2005 <http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/2004-09-21-bush-religiousvote_x.htm>








Stacy Rhee

Dr. David Joplin

English 2

16 Feb. 2005