Life/e—dialect—dialog86 Jury Service Glossary Please be aware that this glossary is updated on a regular basis, but may not encompass every single word you will encounter during your jury service. If you are ever unclear about the meaning of a particular word, term, phrase, or concept, you should speak with the judge or, if you have not yet been assigned to a given case, with court staff at the courthouse. Admonishment: A statement made to .. 2024. 10. 29. [스크랩] 15일 조국 찬조연설(명연설, 텍스트 포함) * 15일 KBS 1TV 선거방송 - 찬조연설자로 나선 서울대 조국 교수의 연설 내용입니다. 연설의 품격은 무엇보다 진정성에 달려 있다고 봅니다. 진성성으로 인하여 고도의 품격과 호소력을 획득한, 보기 드문 명연설이라 생각되는군요. 다소 길지만, 읽어볼 만하고 - 논술이나 스피치를 준비하는.. 2012. 12. 17. JFK’s Speech On Secret Societies JFK’s Speech On Secret Societies John F. Kennedy gave this speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on 27th April 1961, two and a half years before his assassination (November 22, 1963). He details his thoughts on secret societies and what seems to be a call to action. Some believe that he is referring to secret societies being established within the US govern.. 2012. 11. 19. China’s leadership securer than thought ‘China’s leadership securer than thought’Scholar says people’s complaints largely concern local governments, not central one People tend to judge others through the lens of their own social, cultural and political fabrics, often making rash, uninformed conclusions. This is particularly risky when talking about a vast, complex society like China, said a leading China ex.. 2012. 11. 18. President Barack Obama Acceptance Speech 2012 Thank you so much. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward. It moves forward because of you. It moves forward because you reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over war and depression, the spirit that has lifted this country from the depths of despair to the great heights o.. 2012. 11. 10. ‘중견국가’ 외교전략 적극 개발해야 한다 - 김흥규 성신여대 정치외교학과 교수 [시론] ‘중견국가’ 외교전략 적극 개발해야 한다/김흥규 성신여대 정치외교학과 교수 대통령 선거가 두 달도 남지 않았다. 선거는 가열되고 있지만, 주 논점은 국내문제에 함몰되어 있다. 일반적으로 선거의 승패는 대내문제에 의해 결정되기 때문이다. 각 진영에는 대외관계에 대한 .. 2012. 11. 5. 중·일은 왜 극단 대결로 치닫나 - 김흥규 정치외교학교수 흔히 ‘아시아·태평양 시대’라고 말한다. 그럴 만도 하다. 한·중·일 3국이 현재 전 세계에서 차지하는 국내총생산(GDP) 규모는 약 5분의 1, 외환보유액으로는 2분의 1, 인구는 4분의 1, 교역량으로는 6분의 1에 달하고 있다. 이러한 역동성은 분명 역내에 새로운 발전과 번영의 기회를 제.. 2012. 10. 7. Obama State Of The Union Speech 2011 Obama State Of The Union Speech 2011 THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans: Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress, as well as your new Speaker, John Boehner. (Applause.) And as we mark this occasion, we're also mindful of the empty chair in this chamber, and we pray for the heal.. 2011. 1. 28. 2010 G-20 Seoul Summit 이후의 국제관계 - 김흥규 성신여대 정외과 교수 주요 20개국(G20) 서울회의가 지난 12일 막을 내렸다. 우리는 이 회의의 성공적인 개최를 위해 그간 많은 에너지를 쏟아부었다. 이후 이 회의의 공과에 대한 논의가 분분하겠지만, 그 평가보다 중요한 일은 회의에서 드러난 국제정치의 현실을 냉정하게 곱씹어 보는 일이다. 이는 향후 국제.. 2010. 12. 9. The Meaning of the May 18th Gwangju Democratic Uprising The Meaning of the May 18th Gwangju Democratic Uprising Revival of the Gwangju Democratic Uprising Though the streets of Gwangju City seemed to be restored to their former tranquility, the sorrow of the people bereft of loved ones lost in the uprising made it clear that the full impact of the uprising was yet to come. In the year following the uprising they formed a united front and inaugurated.. 2010. 5. 23. This is What Change Looks Like Dear Friends___ I'm writing to you on a great day for America. Tue 3/23/10 12:34 PM This morning, I gathered with members of Congress, my administration, and hardworking volunteers from every part of the country to sign comprehensive health care reform into law. Thanks to the immeasurable efforts of so many, the dream of reform is now a reality. The bill I just signed puts Americans in charge o.. 2010. 4. 4. Help for Haiti On Tuesday, a catastrophic earthquake struck near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The full extent of the damage is still being assessed, but the death toll -- already in the thousands -- is climbing fast. This is the worst earthquake to hit the area in more than 200 years. Entire communities have been ripped apart and as many as 3 million people have been directly affected, including tens of thousands o.. 2010. 1. 18. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 8 다음