Life/e—md—medicine89 Mady Morrison - Full Body Stretch 2024. 11. 8. 무릎 Knee 1. 족삼리혈 - 위쪽 방향2. 절골혈 - 위쪽 방향 3. 해계혈 - 위쪽 방향 4. 족임읍 - 아래쪽 방향 5. 함곡혈 - 아래쪽 방향....10분 후6. 간승격(LRB) - 곡천(윗쪽), 음곡(윗쪽), 중봉(아래쪽)혈간승격x...간정격 곡천혈.음곡혈.중봉혈에 J 1. 족삼리 足三里 ST36 - 위쪽 방향 종아리 앞쪽면, 독비와 햬게를 연결하는 선 위독비에서 아래로 3치 앞정강근에 위치한다 무릎에서 아래로 3치 내가 정강이뼈 바깥쪽 큰힘줄 안쪽 오목한 곳에 있다 2. 절골 絶骨 (현종 懸鍾 ) GB39 - 위쪽 방향 종아리 종아리뼈쪽면, 종아리뼈의 앞 가쪽 복사끝에서 몸쪽으로 3치 바깥쪽복사뼈에서 위로.. 2024. 6. 30. Varicose Veins 하지 정맥류 Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins. Any vein that is close to the skin's surface (superficial) can become varicosed. Varicose veins most commonly affect the veins in the legs. That's because standing and walking increase the pressure in the veins of the lower body. Weak or damaged valves can lead to varicose veins. Arteries carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Veins return.. 2022. 9. 19. Effects of Black Jade on Osteogenic Differentiation of Adipose Derived Stem Cells under Benzopyrene Abstract Jade, a popular gemstone symbolizing beauty, grace, and longevity, is known to improve blood circulation; however, scientific research evidence is still lacking. The effect of black jade extract on the expression levels of apoptotic and osteogenic genes was validated using qPCR and flow cytometry. In combination with the use of a fluorescence microscope, osteogenic differentiation and t.. 2022. 3. 14. Superfoods For Eyesight Carrots may be the food best known for helping your eyes. But other foods and their nutrients may be more important for keeping your eyesight keen as you age. Vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 fatty acids all play a role in eye health. They can help prevent cataracts, clouding of your eye lens. It's always best to get the nutrients help vision from foods. Here are some powe.. 2020. 11. 30. 신 해독주스 - 서재걸 박사 우리의 건강을 책임질 '해독주스 6총사’ 양배추 피로물질을 해독하고 위궤양 치료에 효과적 브로콜리 유방암과 대장암을 방지하는 항암 작용이 탁월 토마토 암을 예방하고 노화를 방지하는 황금의 사과 당근 비타민 A가 풍부한 강력한 항산화제 사과 콜레스테롤을 낮추고 장을 지키는 .. 2017. 9. 13. 재첩과 다슬기 올갱이 - 재첩 이야기재첩에 들어 있는 필수아미노산인 메티오닌이 간장의 활동을 촉진시키고 타우린이 담즙 분비를 활발히 해서 해독작용을 돕는다. 재첩국에는 대개 부추를 썰어 넣는데부추가 재첩에 부족한 비타민A를 보충해 절묘한 음식궁합을 이룬다.재첩 하면 흔히들 섬진강과 하동을 떠.. 2016. 4. 10. Argan Tamanu Castor Jojoba Kukui Nut Oil Argan Oil: One of the main reasons that Argan oil is so healing, is that it is rich with vitamin A and vitamin E. However, Argan oil is also packed with anti-oxidants and Omega-6 fatty acids. Research shows that when applied to skin, it eases inflammation while moisturizing the skin. Argan Oil is used to repair split ends, tame frizz, soften cuticles, reduce fine lines, wrinkl.. 2016. 3. 7. The Sun Salutation The Sun Salutation: It's Not Just a Warm Up Surya namaskar is widely known as a sun salutation by those who practice yoga. We think of this as a series of movements to warm up the body as part of an asana practice. RELATED: The Best Warm Up for Yoga and Lifting But more than a warm up, the sun salutation is foundational for the rest of the asana practice. Indian yoga teacher, .. 2015. 9. 5. 민들레차 Dandelion Tea Benefits Dandelion Tea BenefitsSome of the many traditional benefits of dandelion tea, just for starters: Dandelion tea tastes good (especially with honey —or, a good taste with a no-carbohydrate choice, like xylitol).Dandelion tea benefits your health —as health enthusiasts world wide can attest for this delicious herbal remedy.Dandelion tea forms a prime medical ingredien.. 2015. 4. 9. Dr. Justin Laube on “Integrative & Holistic Primary Care” Dr. Justin Laube on “Integrative & Holistic Primary Care”UCLA Center for East-West Medicine PRESENTS Integrative & Holistic Primary Care Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 7:00-8:30PM Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center – Auditorium 1250 16th St. Santa Monica, CA Justin Laube, MD, UCLA internal medicine physician, will explore the philosophy behind UCLA’s new East-West primary.. 2015. 2. 28. Rib Pain From Severe Coughing A bad cough can cause pains in your ribs when you cough. There are muscles between your ribs called your intercostal muscles that are accessory muscles with breathing, and are also involved with coughing. When you breath in your diaphragm contracts and pulls your lungs down drawing air in. Also simultaneously there are muscles in your neck that help pull your chest wall up and.. 2015. 1. 18. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 8 다음