HUMAN68 Mere Christianity - Book Three - The Great Sin Book Three CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOUR 8. The Great Sin Today I come to that part of Christian morals where they differ most sharply from all other morals. There is one vice of which no man in the world is free; which every one in the world loathes when he sees it in someone else; and of which hardly any people, except Christians, ever imagine that they are guilty themselves. I have heard people admit .. 2009. 10. 11. Mere Christianity - Book Three - The Three Parts Of Morality Book Three CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOUR 1. The Three Parts Of Morality There is a story about a schoolboy who was asked what he thought God was like. He replied that, as far as he could make out, God was "The sort of person who is always snooping round to see if anyone is enjoying himself and then trying to stop it." And I am afraid that is the sort of idea that the word Morality raises in a good many p.. 2009. 8. 16. Mere Christianity - Book One - Some Objections Book One RIGHT AND WRONG AS A CLUE TO THE MEANING OF THE UNIVERSE 2. Some Objections If they are the foundation, I had better stop to make that foundation firm before I go on. Some of the letters I have had show-that a good many people find it difficult to understand just what this Law of Human Nature, or Moral Law, or Rule of Decent Behaviour is. For example, some people wrote to me saying, "I.. 2009. 6. 26. 워낭소리 Old Partner 2008 워낭소리 Old Partner International Documentary Feature Films South Korea, 2008, 75 mins., color Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. — Anatole France In a remote, verdant valley in South Korea, old Mr. and Mrs. Lee live on a farm with their rickety ox. For forty years, the animal has served them faithfully —hauling untold firewood loads and dragging th.. 2009. 2. 9. Leo Tolstoy Quotes A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. A man is like a fraction whose numerator is what he is and whose denominator is what he thinks of himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller the fraction. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. .. 2008. 9. 18. Love And Infidelity: How Our Brains Keep Us From Straying Vadim Ghirda / Associated Press LOVE: Women instinctively protect relationships, but men need training. Love and Infidelity: How our brains keep us from straying Men and women react differently to temptation, research shows. Some of it is instinctual, but loyalty can also be a trained response. By Regina Nuzzo, Special to The Times September 15, 2008 In the pursuit of happily-ever-after, the od.. 2008. 9. 16. Microsoft Surface - The Possibilities The Human Touch: Microsoft Surface puts people in control of their experiences with technology, making everyday tasks entertaining, enjoyable and efficient. Imagine ordering a beverage during a meal with just the tap of a finger. Imagine quickly browsing through music and dragging favorite songs onto a personal playlist by moving a finger across the screen. Imagine creating and sending a person.. 2008. 8. 22. 아름다운 남자 아름다운 성공 - 차인홍 아름다운 남자 아름다운 성공 지은이 차인홍 출판사 토기장이 출간일 2003.12.15 장르 예술/대중문화 책 속으로 이 책은.. 나의 평가 아름다운 남자 아름다운 성공 Beautiful man, beautiful success 재활원의 소아마비소년 미국 라이트주립대 교수 되기까지 성공 스토리 Contents 01 만남의 기적, 만남의 신비 Miracle an.. 2008. 7. 26. blueSpirit - 오직 모를뿐 I 但眠 I Only Don't Know I 1992 오직 모를뿐 I 但眠 I only Don't Know I 1992 종이에 혼합재료 Mixed Media on Paper 61 x 41cm _ 24 x 16 in Human beings come into this world empty handed and go empty handed. When you are born, where do you come from? When you die, where do you go? Are you clear about that? Life is like a floating cloud which appears; death is like a floating cloud which disappears. The floating cloud itself originally does not .. 2008. 6. 9. FREE TIBET !!! What Is Free Tibet Campaign? Mission Statement Free Tibet Campaign stands for the Tibetans' right to determine their own future. It campaigns for an end to China's occupation of Tibet and for the Tibetans' fundamental human rights to be respected. Founded in 1987, Free Tibet Campaign generates active support by educating people about the situation in Tibet. It is independent of all governments .. 2008. 3. 28. Spring of Living Water 살아있는 샘, Spring of Living Water 산샘미션(Mission) 우리는 무엇을 해야 하는가? "예수를 모르는 사람들을 온전히 헌신된 그리스도의 제자로 만드는일" "그러므로 너희는 가서 모든 족속으로 제자를 삼아 아버지와 아들과 성령의 이름으로 세례를 주고 내가 너희에게 분부한 모든것을 가르쳐 지키게 하라 .. 2007. 12. 19. Hubble Telescope's Top Ten Photos A fantastic eye opener regarding our universe. This is science at its best. These are the top rated photos taken by the space telescope, Hubble. While the distances and sizes are incomprehensible to the average person, maybe you can come to grips with them --- and how vast the Universe must be! Can our minds expand enough to comprehend it? Hubble telescope's top ten greatest space photographs T.. 2007. 9. 16. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 6 다음