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"New Year Thoughts and Memories of Vali Moezzi" "New Year Thoughts and Memories of Vali Moezzi" Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 21:34:12 -0800 by Wally Gordon 쓰나미도 못꺾은 인간의 의지 지난해 12월 26일 인도네시아 아체 주 해변에서 지진해일에 휩쓸린 뒤 9일간 인도양에서 표류하던 리잘 샤푸트라 씨가 3일 말레이시아 화물선을 향해 필사적으로 손을 흔들고 있다(위). 배로 끌어.. 2005. 1. 6.
In His Own Words - Morrie Schwartz There's this little wave, a he-wave who's bobbing up and down in the ocean off the shore, having a great time. All of a sudden, he realizes he's going to crash into the shore. In this big side ocean, he's now moving toward the shore, and he'll be annihilated. "My God, what's going to happen to me?" he says, a sour and despairing look on this face. Along comes a female wave, bobbing up and down,.. 2004. 12. 13.
To the special people in my life... To the special people in my life, I am sending this to you to see how many of you actually read your email. Is anyone really out there? Your response will be interesting! Pay close attention to what you read. After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason it was sent to you! Here it goes: People come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime. When you know which one it .. 2004. 11. 30.
The Alchemist O Alquimista 연금술사 - Paulo Coelho The Alchemist 연금술사 Paulo Coelho "When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true." "자아의 신화"를 찾아가는 영혼의 연금술 연금술이란 진정 무엇일까? 단지 철이나 납을 금으로 바꾸어내는 신비로운 작업을 가리키는 걸까? 이 작품은 아니라고 말한다. 진정한 연금술은 만물.. 2004. 11. 28.
Father And Daughter woorim 님... 감사요~~ "Father and Daughter"A father says goodbye to his young daughter and leaves. As the wide Dutch landscapes live through their seasons so the girl lives through hers. She becomes a young woman, has a family and in time she becomes old, yet within her there is always a deep longing for her father. Title "Father and Daughter" Length 8 minutes Technique Pencil and charcoal,.. 2004. 9. 19.
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Dreams, symbols, signs, and adventure follow the reader like echoes of ancient wise voices in "The Alchemist", a novel that combines an atmosphere of Medieval mysticism with the song of the desert. With this symbolic masterpiece Coelho states that we should not avoid our destinies, and urges people to follow their dreams, because to find our "Personal Myth" and our mi.. 2004. 9. 8.
Bom Yeoreum Gaeul Gyeoul Geurigo Bom (2003) Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring 봄 여름 가을 겨울 그리고 봄 Bom Yeoreum Gaeul Gyeoul Geurigo Bom (2003) Directed by Ki-duk Kim Writing credits Ki-duk Kim Genre: Drama Plot Outline: The life of a Buddhist monk from when he was a child taken in by the temple to his last days as an old man. User Comments: Season To Taste User Rating: 8.2/10 (800 votes) Credited cast: Yeong-su.. 2004. 6. 27.
향기로 말을 거는 꽃처럼 - 이해인 향기로 말을 거는 꽃처럼 이해인 마음을 위한 기도 늘 푸른 소나무처럼 한결같은 마음을 지니게 해주십사고 기도합니다. 자신이 맡은 일에 정성을 다하는 성실함, 어떤 모양으로든지 관계를 맺는 이들에게는 변덕스럽지 않은 진실함을 지니고 매일을 살고 싶습니다. 힘겨운 시련이 닥치더라도 쉽게 .. 2004. 6. 26.
Finding Nemo (2003) 2004. 6. 22.
Happy Father's Day!!! A Poem for My Dad on Father"s Day ©AG.com, Inc. Some dads never leave their chairs. Some have few remaining hairs. Some are too wrapped up in sports. Some wear dress socks with their shorts. Some spend weekends with their cars. Or stay out late at pubs or bars. In all the world, it"s a lucky few Who end up with a dad like you! Happy Father"s Day from One Lucky Kid 2004. 6. 20.
길을 지우며 길을 걷다... ■ 삶의 속도를 자연과 호흡하듯 맑고 깊게… 시인인 그가 홀연 서울 생활을 접고 지리산으로 들어간 지 7년째다. 처음엔 그의 뜻밖의 행보에 지인들이 놀랐지만, 이제 이원규는 “지리산 시인”이라는 별칭이 붙어다니는, 알 만한 사람은 다 아는 지리산 사람이 되어 있다. 그는 산속에 묻혀 지내는 .. 2004. 5. 24.
현각스님, 작가 베르베르와 대담 佛 포교활동 현각스님, 작가 베르베르와 대담 파리의 베르나르 베르베르(왼쪽) 자택에서 이루어진 현각 스님과 베르베르의 대담에서는 시공을 초월한 선문답이 오갔다. -파리=박제균특파원 “물질세계의 미래는 어둡다. 어둠을 밝힐 영성(靈性)이 필요하다. 어쩌면 미래에 물질과 영성이.. 2004. 4. 25.