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Spirit/e—The Purpose Driven Life

The Purpose Driven Life : What on Earth Am I Here For?

by e-bluespirit 2008. 6. 9.
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Offers spiritual fulfillment through an understanding of God's plan for a meaningful life....
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Another Landmark Book by Rick Warren.
You are not an accident.
Even before the universe was created, God had you in mind, and he planned you for his purposes.
These purposes will extend far beyond the few years you will spend on earth.
You were made to last forever!
Self-help books often suggest that you try to discover the meaning and purpose of your life by looking within yourself, but Rick Warren says that is the wrong place to start.
You must begin with God, your Creator, and his reasons for creating you.
You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense.
This book will help you understand why you are alive and God's amazing plan for you-both here and now, and for eternity.
Rick Warren will guide you through a personal 40-day spiritual journey that will transform your answer to life's most important question: What on earth am I here for?
Knowing God's purpose for creating you will reduce your stress, focus your energy, simplify your decisions, give meaning to your life, and, most importantly, prepare you for eternity.
The Purpose-Driven" Life is a blueprint for Christian living in the 21st century-a lifestyle based on God's eternal purposes, not cultural values.
Using over 1,200 scriptural quotes and references, it challenges the conventional definitions of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism.
In the tradition of Oswald Chambers, Rick Warren offers distilled wisdom on the essence of what life is all about.
This is a book of hope and challenge that you will read and re-read, and it will be a classic treasured by generations to come.




A Journey with Purpose 9
My Covenant 13

Day 1 It All Starts with God 17
Day 2 You Are Not an Accident 22
Day 3 What Drives Your Life? 27
Day 4 Made to Last Forever 36
Day 5 Seeing Life from Gods View 41
Day 6 Life Is a Temporary Assignment 47
Day 7 The Reason for Everything 53

PURPOSE #1: You Were Planned for Gods Pleasure
Day 8 Planned for Gods Pleasure 63
Day 9 What Makes God Smile? 69
Day 10 The Heart of Worship 77
Day 11 Becoming Best Friends with God 85
Day 12 Developing Your Friendship with God 92
Day 13 Worship That Pleases God 100
Day 14 When God Seems Distant 107

PURPOSE #2: You Were Formed for Gods Family
Day 15 Formed for Gods Family 117
Day 16 What Matters Most 123
Day 17 A Place to Belong 130
Day 18 Experiencing Life Together 138
Day 19 Cultivating Community 145
Day 20 Restoring Broken Fellowship 152
Day 21 Protecting Your Church 160

PURPOSE #3: You Were Created to Become Like Christ
Day 22 Created to Become Like Christ 171
Day 23 How We Grow 179
Day 24 Transformed by Truth 185
Day 25 Transformed by Trouble 193
Day 26 Growing through Temptation 201
Day 27 Defeating Temptation 209
Day 28 It Takes Time 217

PURPOSE #4: You Were Shaped for Serving God
Day 29 Accepting Your Assignment 227
Day 30 Shaped for Serving God 234
Day 31 Understanding Your Shape 241
Day 32 Using What God Gave You 249
Day 33 How Real Servants Act 257
Day 34 Thinking Like a Servant 265
Day 35 Gods Power in Your Weakness 272

PURPOSE #5: You Were Made for a Mission
Day 36 Made for a Mission281
Day 37 Sharing Your Life Message 289
Day 38 Becoming a World-Class Christian 297
Day 39 Balancing Your Life 305
Day 40 Living with Purpose 312



Appendix 1: Discussion Questions 320
Appendix 2: Resources 323
Appendix 3: Why Use So Many Translations? 325
Notes 327








Pastor of Saddleback Church, a Southern ...
... Baptist mega-church in southern California with weekly attendance of more than 15,000, Warren now applies his highly successful "purpose-driven" framework, developed in the best-seller The Purpose  ...  more » -Driven Church, to individual experience. The same principles Warren has taught to thousands of pastors to help churches be healthy and effective can also drive lives, he says. The book argues that discerning and living five God-ordained purposes-worship, community, discipleship, ministry and evangelism-is key to effective living. His 40 short chapters are intended to be read over 40 days' time, giving readers small pieces of his purpose-discovering program to chew on. Warren certainly knows his Bible. Of 800-plus footnotes, only 18 don't refer to Christian Scripture. He deliberately works with 15 different Bible translations, leaning heavily on contemporary translations and paraphrases, as an interesting way of plumbing biblical text. The almost exclusively biblical frame of reference stakes out the audience niche for this manual for Christian living. It's practical yet paradoxically abstract, lacking the kind of real-life examples and stories that life-application books usually provide in abundance. The book has flaws editing might have fixed. People are quoted without being identified, and subheads simply repeat lines of text, which tends to make the prose sound too simple. This book is not for all, but for those needing a certain kind of scriptural rock, it is solid. (Oct.) Forecast: Warren's The Purpose-Driven Church has sold more than a million copies for Zondervan, and has spawned a whole ministry as churches try to implement its principles for growth. Expect high sales for this long-awaited follow-up, which has an initial print run of just over 500,000 copies.  « less
Distributed by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Copyright 2001. These articles cannot be stored on BBS or Internet sites or ...
Categories: Church, Discipleship, Ethics, Theology: Biblical and Systematic, Theology: Practical. The Purpose-Driven Life: A Review Essay. Vic Froese ...
Recent Reviews Shaking the System Review by Howard Snyder Sex God Review by Joseph Thouvenel Saving Women from the Church Review by Judith Shoemaker & Kent ...
Title: The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? Fiction? No (theology, philosophy). Publisher: Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI. Date: 2002 ...
The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?, Warren, Rick Warren, Hardcover, Purpose Driven� Life Ser., Book, ISBN: 0310205719, . ...
The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren. Published by Zondervan, 2002 (cloth, 334 pp., $19.99). Reviewed by John V. Fesko, ...
Review of The Purpose Driven Life Book, by Rick Warren. Read our book review.
Directory, DIOCESAN ORGS: Abuse Report Line, Anglican Education Commission, Anglican Media, Anglican Retirement Villages, Anglicare, Angliconnect ...
2004 Fall Issue -- The Purpose Driven Life: A Review - Campus Crosswalk Magazine is a ministry of Church of Christ campus ministries.










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