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Songs of Korea - Korean Performing Arts Showcase Series 2

by e-bluespirit 2009. 2. 1.









Korean Performing Arts Showcase Series 2 "Songs of Korea"
-Date/Time: February 6th at 7:30 pm
-Place: 3rd Floor, Korean Cultural Center
- Monthly series of Concert with different Korean Music and Dance

This month program is including Ensemble(Pyungjo Hoe Sang),

Gagok(Lyric song: Unrak and Pyun Rak),

Salpuri Dance, Folk Song, Komungo duet, etc.
-RSVP/info: 323-936-7141 ext 123

or tammy@kccla.org

 Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles, CA








Played by Dr. Kim from UCLA Korean Culture Night at UC Merced