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finding the meaning of life...

by e-bluespirit 2004. 4. 24.


Arguments for God:

The flood theory of evolution, and creationism are based on the fact that the laws of nature were put into place before the evolution of the planet and the universe.


Instead life could evovle and make the rules as it goes.


Life on Mars could exist, but not as we know it.


Why does all life need oxygen and water?


There could be something out there that breathes CO2 and drinks sulfuric acid while eating iron dust (rust) the idea that laws of nature where put into place does not allow a broader examination of the universe because it limits the mind to the laws that "God" created.


The enviroment spured life to adapt and live, we breathe oxygen and drink water because that is what is on the earth, not God put oxygen and water on the earth because we neede it to survive.

This brings us to the next flaw in religious beliefs and that is the unexplained.


The oldest and easiest method of explanation is God.


We look back on things now, like rain and laugh at what earlier people thought they were.


This continues to happen today.


We do not know everything, and by using God to explain these things we cut short the quest to find the true reason.


People must learn to become content with the not knowing of everything, which is ironic because the people that are caused the most grief from not knowing things like the begining of earth and why we walk upright don't know much about anything to begin with.

The idea of God is most strongly related to the weak minded, or the over worked mind.


Too much pressure on the brain from trying to figure out everything, or not knowing enough finally collapse the mind's ability to reason and make the person search for a quick and easy approach to life, which I must admit is much simpler than living without a purpose and not knowing why things happen the way they do.

People who believe in a God are biast toward all other forms of thought because the idea of religion is based on faith which will be rewarded in the next life, and therefore a person would not want to forsake his soul for eternity when all that needs to be done is blindly obey God, or what a person interprets as the message of God. which leads to another problem with God and religion.


That is the belivers are relentless because of their faith.


They will do anything for it and not listen, distort, and kill the truth so that their life is easier to live without the contradictions that come about.


The best reason for God is the bible, which is based on God.


This is a logical loop. the premise is based on the conclusion.


People follow these loops eternally unitl they suddenly die and no longer think about anything.


The reasons people need God:

Most followers of god need extra strength to continue their life in a course of goodnes, with morals.


The strongest people are those who base their morals off of their own will to be great.


True strenght is in the self, meanning that if a person depends on God for their support, and everlasting doubt is created when God does not offer that support, and continues not to.


Many reasons for this are offered in the bible, the devil, a test, God has mysterious ways, it is all for a greater good, your path has been chosen by God and you don't yet know where it will lead so make the best out of every situation.


If you are based upon yourself then something that goes wrong is your fault and you must correct your ways, not go on with life because God did it (even if a tragedy is punishment and meant to change your ways you still only do it for God and not yourself) being based on the self is very difficult because there is no help from external supports, but it allows a person to be ultimately stronger because in a dark woods if you trust yourself their is no fear, but if you trust God their is doubt because your life is not known to you, but to someone else.

People need God to base their morals upon and cannot understand/fear someone who bases their morals upon honor and personal drive to be great.


Those who base their morals upon themselves have stronger morals because if a person defies these morals then they defy themselves and all they have worked to become.


Morals based on God are like those of a child who does not steal because they fear their parents this is where the term fear God comes from.

This is why society has begun to degrade.


The new religions show God as a friend who is by your side, someone whom you talk to and love.


This image along with the parenting philosophy of being your childs best friend create people who do not have morals based upon anything except the idea that people would prefer if you did the right thing.


People are entropy.


They will naturally go toward chaos unless the fear something in the way, or have a strong enough mind to understand that life truly is better without chaos, and living peacefully is more pleasant than sturring up trouble because of mindlessness.


Thus fear is what makes a child into a functioning adult.


Parents raise a child with fear of punishment until they are old enough to understand that bad is really bad, in the current world God and parents are a childs friend therefore nothing stands in the way of chaos and the child naturally falls toward bad behavior which will continue throughout life because they are stuck in the early mindset and cannot get out because the understanding was never acheived.


People simply aren't educated and strong enough to do the right thing, they don't understand honor beyond a textbook definition that they use in a distorted way to support themselves when a truly honorable person comes into their view.

Everything wrong with society and why:

The first and greatest question (who's answer is the same as the above question) is why can't there be world peace.


This is because of people's natural tendency toward entropy, and the lack of a supervisory force.


People that fight (when I say fight I mean a war that never ends, or one that begins based on something blatanly stupid) The romans conquered the world because they thought the barbarians needed to be tamed, which is true because the barabrians were killing eachother, and would have continued unless Rome stepped in and stopped it.


Look at the USSR, while it controlled the large area there was no fighting between people (except that which was brought on by the Russians because of poor leadership methods and philosophies).


When weak minded people who belive in God get mad they seek revenge, even the "you'll pay in the after life" philosophie doesn't work for some (mostly the peosple in the mid-east area extending up through Russia and over through China, along with most of Africa).


These people using flawed logic always find support in their God and continue to kill people because they have not the morals in themselves to think it wrong and their God is a powerfull ally who supports what they are doing.


This makes God deadly to those who stand in the way of the people who create his image.


It is another logical loop the conclusion of killing people for God is supported by a God that the people created.


People also create war because their is no purpose for life if everything is peacefull.


People cannot understand that the purpose of life is to reproduce and die, all other animals do exactly that, reproduce and then die.


Along the way one has to eat and survive in order to reproduce and be sure that the offspring will survive.


War adds to a person's pupose, now your pupose is to become a great war hero who is honored and repected by all, but what is the purpose of this?


This is all created by man, honor holds no value to a cheetah, whos ulitmate purpose is the same as ours.


This creates a paradox for many people.


My life is based upon nothing therefore I must create something to base it upon.


A goal is set and life is led in the direction of that goal everything is happy-joy-joy.


If there were world peace people couldn't handle it.


Life would have no higher purpose and we might as well just be animals, which we are.


This is why the native Americans never evolved, the reached a point where life could continue and stopped because they didn't care about being anything greater.


Throughout western history we see peoples trying to be better, control more and be wiser than their neighbor.


Why do people wish to become CEO's of large companies, money allows what?


Easier living and going about life's true purpose, to reproduce and make sure the offspring will survive.


Along with that they need something constructive to do.


Without a purpose what is one to do??


Set a goal and head toward it for the same reason people solve crossword puzzles, it is a quest that involves witts, strength, and has an ultimate point of finallity, what to do then is start all over on a different puzzle.


Of course some people go a different route.


Homesteaders try the other route, but reach the same goal, life's purpose is to build this land, but this may never be finished, but the effects will constantly be felt which inspires continuance.


Then there are the people that just fall into chaos and their life has no purpose they know it and therefore do anything they want without thinking (mainly because they don't have the ability), and in the same line are those people who chose their puzzle to be one that goes against conventional society, like the unibomber.


Lifes challenge is to match witts with the law.










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