고구려3 주몽 Jumong 朱蒙 2006 - 2007 Jumong (주몽 朱蒙) portrays the life of Jumong Taewang, (founder of the kingdom of Goguryeo). Because few details are found in the historical records on Jumong, much artistic license is taken. Much of the original myths surrounding Jumong have been replaced with more down-to-earth storylines, such as that concerning his birth. It is also considered a major part of the "Korean wave." (Hallyu.. 2009. 7. 25. 대조영 大祚榮 Dae Jo Young 2006 대조영 역 최수종 불같은 결단력과 얼음 같은 판단, 대의를 위해서라면 어떤 희생도 불사하면서도 작은 것을 위해서 목숨도 초개같이 내놓을 줄 아는 진정한 영웅. 고구려의 패망기에 태어나 전란 속에서 강력한 카리스마와 탁월한 리더십으로 고구려 유민을 당에서 탈출시키고 요동을 통합 새로운 .. 2009. 4. 18. 太 王 四 神 記 2007 Taewangsasingi This picture of Bae Yong-joon, left, and his co-star is taken from a book introducing the TV drama Taewansasingi. / Courtesy of Kodansha By Bae Ji-sook Staff Reporter Photos of actor Bae Yong-joon filming the TV drama "Taewangsasingi" (The Four Guardian Gods of the King) were released through his fan site. In the photos, the actor, widely known by his nickname ``Yonsama,'' was dressed as the ch.. 2007. 9. 4. 이전 1 다음