초콜렛2 The Chimney Sweeper - William Blake William Blake Biography [From The Norton Poetry Workshop CD-ROM, edited by James F. Knapp] The Early Years William Blake was born in London in 1757. He came from a middle-class family of London shopkeepers: his father and one brother were hosiers; another brother was apprenticed to a gingerbread baker but ran away to become a soldier. When Blake was ten years old, he went to d.. 2005. 2. 26. Songs of Innocence/Experience and Child Labor - Questions/Analysis 23 Feb. 2005 “Songs of Innocence”: The Chimney Sweeper “Songs of Experience”: London William Blake Chocolate Industry Criticized over Child Labor The Monterey County Herald, Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2005 Response topics: 1. What assumption underlies the boy’s optimism? (Songs of Innocence) Despite thousands of chimney sweepers apprenticed by their parents and brutally used .. 2005. 2. 26. 이전 1 다음