Gerhard Tersteegen2 20 The Love of God 20 The Love of God 하나님의 사랑 Our Father which art in heaven, we Thy children are often troubled in mind, hearing within us at once the affirmations of faith and the accusations of conscience. We are sure that there is in us nothing that could attract the love of one as holy and as just as Thou art. Yet Thou hast declared Thine unchanging love for us in Christ Jesus. If nothing in us can win Thy lo.. 2008. 8. 21. 14 God’s Omnipresence 14 God’s Omnipresence 하나님의 편재성 Our Father, we know that Thou art present with us, but our knowledge is but a figure and shadow of truth and has little of the spiritual savor and inward sweetness such knowledge should afford. This is for us a great loss and the cause of much weakness of heart. Help us to make at once such amendment of life as is necessary before we can experience the true meaning.. 2008. 8. 16. 이전 1 다음