Intelligence3 JFK’s Speech On Secret Societies JFK’s Speech On Secret Societies John F. Kennedy gave this speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on 27th April 1961, two and a half years before his assassination (November 22, 1963). He details his thoughts on secret societies and what seems to be a call to action. Some believe that he is referring to secret societies being established within the US govern.. 2012. 11. 19. Mere Christianity - Book Two - The Perfect Penitent Book Two WHAT CHRISTIANS BELIEVE 4. The Perfect Penitent We are faced, then, with a frightening alternative. This man we are talking about either was (and is) just what He said or else a lunatic, or something worse. Now it seems to me obvious that He was neither a lunatic nor a fiend: and consequently, however strange or terrifying or unlikely it may seem, I have to accept the view that He was .. 2009. 8. 2. 慶 愛 迎 祥 새해엔 이런 사람이 되게 하소서 - 이해인 慶 愛 迎 祥 마음을 위한 기도 새해엔 이런 사람이 되게 하소서 이해인 새해 첫날 제 마음에 펼쳐지는 수평선 위에 첫태양으로 떠오르시는 주님. 새해라고 하여 새삼 놀랍고 새로운 것을 청하진 않겠습니다. 날마다 지녀 왔던 일곱 가지 염원 오늘은 사라지지 않는 무지개 빛깔로 제 마음.. 2007. 1. 1. 이전 1 다음