Novatian2 8 God’s Infinitude 8 God’s Infinitude 하나님의 무한성 Our Heavenly Father: Let us see Thy glory, if it must be from the shelter of the cleft rock and from beneath the protection of Thy covering hand. Whatever the cost to us in loss of friends or goods or length of days let us know Thee as Thou art, that we may adore Thee as we should. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 하늘에 계신 우리 아버지시여, 우리가 피해 있는 바위 틈새에서, 덮어 보호해 주시는 주님의.. 2008. 8. 11. 5 The Self-existence of God 5 The Self-existence of God 하나님의 자존성 Lord of all being! Thou alone canst affirm I AM THAT I AM; yet we who are made in Thine image may each one repeat ”I am,” so confessing that we derive from Thee and that our words are but an echo of Thine own. We acknowledge Thee to be the great Original of which we through Thy goodness are grateful if imperfect copies. We worship Thee, O Father Everlasting. .. 2008. 8. 6. 이전 1 다음