Zephaniah2 1. 하나님은 누구신가? Who is God? 1. 하나님은 누구신가? Who is God? 2. 나는(인간은) 누구인가? Who am I (Human)? 3. 예수님은 누구신가? Who is Jesus? 4. 성령님은 구구신가? Who is The Holy Spirit? 5. 성경이란? What is The Bible? 6. 기도란? What is Prayer? 7. 교회란? What is Church? 8. 예배란? What is Worship? 9. 크리스천의 교회생활 Christian Church Life 10. 크리스천의 가.. 2009. 2. 15. 20 The Love of God 20 The Love of God 하나님의 사랑 Our Father which art in heaven, we Thy children are often troubled in mind, hearing within us at once the affirmations of faith and the accusations of conscience. We are sure that there is in us nothing that could attract the love of one as holy and as just as Thou art. Yet Thou hast declared Thine unchanging love for us in Christ Jesus. If nothing in us can win Thy lo.. 2008. 8. 21. 이전 1 다음