Happy Turkey Day !!!
by e-bluespirit
2004. 11. 25.
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There are thousands of reasons to be thankful on Turkey Day. Just in time to thank mom for the feast. |
| "American Indian Feather Bands"
You'll need: heavy paper or card stock, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, scissors, glue or tape.
- Click on Personalize and Print Your Project to open the Create & Print workspace.
- Personalize the text. Select the text to write over it or change size, color, and font style.
- Click Print Project. Be sure to print both pages.
- Cut along outlines and solid lines.
- Tape band ends together, end to end, centering any text.
- Measure band to desired size, and tape.
- Glue or tape feather pieces to the band.
Print your project on scrap paper first to check the alignment, spelling, and overall look of the project. |