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by e-bluespirit 2005. 11. 27.


The Sixth Great Prayer
For an Abundant & Blessed Life

"GOD BLESS AND I LOVE (fill in the blank with person's name)”

Dear Friend in Prayer,

By now you should have developed the daily routine where you pray the first 5 Great Prayers everyday; all day long. 

With Prayer Four you learned how to pray to ATTRACT God’s Blessings into your life.


When you pray the Third Great Prayer it helps you to become “aware” of the awesome power of God that is “inside” you.  This prayer again is…



Yesterday’s prayer was the 5th Great prayer, and that is….



This prayer helps you recognize God’s presence everywhere, in everything, and in everyone.

Now that you’re “see God everywhere” I ask that you incorporate the 6th Great Prayer into your daily prayers.


You see, if God is inside you (Prayer # 3), and God is everywhere (Prayer # 5), then whenever you see, meet, talk, and work with people, I’d like you to say the 6th Great Prayer, to yourself, this prayer is…


"GOD BLESS AND I LOVE (fill in the blank)”

Loving one another has always been one of God’s top commandments, and Jesus asked us to do the same when he taught us to:


Love thy neighbor as you would love yourself.


First, you’re not alone, hundreds and hundreds of great people, each and every day looking to attract ABUNDANCE and BLESSINGS into their life.


You can have them!  But nothing is free, and that includes requests to God.  In order to Receive you must Give, and the best and easiest thing you can give is your love for God and others.


When you open your heart to others, you are acting and living as God commanded you to do.


God will give you the BLESSINGS you request, on the condition that you are “good” to yourself and “others”. 

If God is “inside” you, that means He is also “inside” everyone you meet on a daily basis.  Friends.  Family.  Co-workers.  People on the street.  Any, and everyone! 

And yes, even those you don’t like, those that have wronged you; those that if may be your enemies has God within; unlike you though, they may not recognize that God is in them.  God is inside them too.  Though for some of these types of people you may have to look REAL HARD and deep into their soul to find God.


But before we get into those you don’t care for, or who have wronged you, let’s first do the easy stuff and that’s to give BLESSINGS to all those that you know and meet.


As for myself, I pray this prayer, all day long…




The first people I pray this prayer too is my family.  When I wake and turn to see my sleeping wife I say…




When I say pray this prayer to my spouse, I look deep into him/her soul and say it to God who is inside him/her; the same God that is in you and me.

I then this prayer internally to myself when I see my children.  Sometimes I say this prayer internally, other times I say it out loud.



SIDENOTE:  I am a very verbal person.  And whenever I talk to my spouse and kids, I finish every, and I mean almost every discussion with the words “I LOVE YOU” and I encourage you to do the same.

I say “I LOVE YOU” even if we’ve had a tough discussion and we’re not happy with one another at the particular moment, I still say, I LOVE YOU.  I’m saying this POWERFUL statement to both the person and to God whom I know is within them.


I even tell my co-workers I LOVE EM, and people that I’ve been doing business with for some time; I’ll finish the phone call with … LOVE YA!  I’m serious.  I’ve done this for a good ten years now.  And why not? 


This is God and Jesus’ commandment to us.  If you love someone, let them know it.  It’s good for them, and it’s good for you! 


Your spirit is like an active and flowing river, and the best way you can keep it flowing is by saying and thinking “I LOVE YOU” all day long.  If you don’t do this, and you repress this important thought and expression, like a damn to a river, you back up all this energy, and this is not a good thing, your love is meant to be shared, it’s meant to flow, it’s not meant to be kept within. 



Back to the lesson and the 6th Great Prayer. 

Now that I’ve said


to my spouse and kids, I say it to internally to all that I meet.  When picking up my clothes at the dry cleaners, I say it to the cashier, I say it to the toll collector, I say it to the bank teller, the gas station attendant, I say it to any and everyone.  (Not out loud, but to myself.)


When I say it, especially to those I’ve never met before, I look into their eyes, I look into their soul, knowing that the same God that is me is in them, and I say it to recognize God and to Praise God, ala, Prayers 1 & 3 of The 7 Great Prayers.


Are you starting to see how all 7 of The 7 Great Prayers work together?  Do you see how each prayer adds power to the other prayer?  Again, this is why these prayers are so great! 

Now let’s talk about saying this prayer…



to those that you don’t like and who may have wronged you.  This is tough, and I speak from personal experience.  At first I found this very tough to do, and in fact, and to be honest, I still have some challenges in doing this, but I know I have to if I am to be a true child of God, if I’m to do God’s work here on this planet, and if I’m to attract BLESSINGS and ABUNDANCE to myself and my family.


So…to those that you don’t like, and to those that have wronged you, still say this prayer.  Say it when you see them.  Say it when they are not around you, say it whenever you think of them, the important thing to do is “just say it”!


God is somewhere inside these people; though you may have to look real hard and deep.

It’s not healthy to harbor ill feelings for anyone.  A different twist to this 6th Great Prayer, when it comes to someone you may not like is to say…


Now you're not loving the wrong doings of this person, you are instead loving the goodness in that person, the God within, and by you praying this prayer to them does two things.


First, it just may help that person be a better person.

Second, it helps you.  For you to truly ATTRACT more Blessings into your life you HAVE to get into with God’s positive energy.  Forgive and forget.  Let go and let God. 


As you start incorporating this prayer into your life, and as you start BLESSING everyone you meet, you will be positioning yourself to ATTRACT Blessings from God.  For you never know through which person or persons that God may work through to help you in your life.


I'll talk to you again soon!  All that’s left is prayer 7. 

This prayer puts everything in perspective. 

Until the next time we speak, keep praying and may God always… 

Bless You and Yours,



Paul McManus





