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by e-bluespirit 2005. 11. 28.



The 7 Great Prayers
For an Abundant & Blessed Life





Dear Friend in Prayer,

Before I get to the 7th Great Prayer,

I want to first say I've really enjoyed our time together,

THANK YOU for this opportunity!

As I've share these prayers with you and my other new friends, I've continued to grow on my personal spiritual journey and I hope you have too.

I pray that reading these 7 Prayers has given you a better understanding of the incredible power of prayer, and that when you make praying simple, by using short, positive, affirmations, in the present tense, that you truly can ATTRACT GOD'S Blessings into your life.


The final Great Prayer pulls together the other Six Great Prayers and completes the cycle.  For to "get" BLESSINGS you must first "give"; e.g., the famous saying:


“It’s better to give then receive.”


One of America’s foremost philosophers, Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best in his famous essay on The Law of Compensation when he said… 


“Whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you TEN-FOLD.”


So, if you want love, give love; you'll get ten times the love back!

By giving your TIME, you are doing the 7th Great Prayer: 



Many times we wonder what am I on earth for?  

God as put you here to do good.  Look, think, and pray to God for help and guidance on what you should do to help people and mother earth.

Age should does not matter; at whatever age, you could, and should, find a way for God to use YOU to do his good works.  


My children 8, 13, and 15, give to the community.  They are involved in the local Youth Group, help at church, and help family and friends all sort of ways; many little, but ALL important.


Tracey, my wife, she does MEALS on WHEELS, delivering meals to elderly shut ins and is active in the church, school, and community.


As for me, I teach Sunday school to teenagers, participate in the Spaghetti dinners, and coach youth soccer.


My dad, whose 75 years old, works with Kiwanis raising fund to help children causes, takes mentally challenged children bowling on Wednesday, and for years, after retiring, worked in the local Soup Kitchen and was actively involved in the Hospice program.  He feels that being old, he has the time, and it's God's will for him to help others.  And the biggest gift he can give is his TIME.  

Young, adult, and seniors, can all find ways to let "God work through them to do good."  And the more challenges you may find in your life, them more you should give of your time to help others - to let God work through you to do good.  Do this, and you'll soon find BLESSINGS flowing back-to-you in ABUNDANCE.


I know if you’re like me, there will be a few, if not many, times when you wonder to yourself, what is this all about?  Why am I here?


Again, as all answers are, it's to do good works for God.


It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, you can find something, someway, to help others.  Boy, I know from my perspective, nothing gives me more “purpose” and “joy” than that of helping someone other than myself. 

So pray this prayer everyday, along with the other Six Great Prayers.  And the more Good you do, the more God will send Blessings to you.



The blessings you'll attract won't always be, nor do they have to be, just financial or health blessings, these blessing can be a simple Blessing, something as simple as seeing someone smile at you and who give you a hearty "Thank You" because you just did or send something nice to them.  

One of the easiest yet most things you can do, to do God’s good work, is just give recognition to someone for some good works they did to you or for others.  Yes, you should give God praise, and one of best ways you can do this is give your fellow man thanks and praise - remember, God is everywhere and in every one.

To Recap:




1. I Love You God
2. Thank You God for…
3. God, You are Inside Me
4. I Attract God’s Blessings
5. God, I See You Everywhere
6. God Bless and I Love….
7. God, Let Me Do Your Good Works





      As simple as it may sound, all you have to do, to have a life full of Abundance and Blessings is say these prayers to yourself, out loud, and write them down, everyday, the rest of your life; following the other tips and methods outlined in the prayer emails an my new book, you will have a wonderful life, a purposeful life, and a happy life that both you and God will be proud of.


      I asked you, and I’ll ask you again right now, no matter what you may or may not think of what you’ve just read, I challenge you to say these 7 prayers, everyday, if these 7 prayers truly are the 7 Greatest Prayers ever written. 


      If you read these prayers one or twice.  They won't work.  Nor will any other prayer.  The SECRET is repetition.  And the power of repetition, becomes EXPLOSIVE when you pray, the same prayer.  For even BETTER results, pray these 7 Great Prayers everyday of your life.


     What's so "Great" about these 7 prayers.  They are simple.  They are Powerful.  They are Affirmations.  They are Positive.  They are written and said in such a manner, that it's SUPER easy to pray for everyday of your life.

      As a favor to yourself, as a favor to God, please, please Start right now.  Start today.  You’ll be amazed how quickly your life will all of a sudden change for the better. 


       Until the next time we speak, keep praying and may God always… 

Bless You and Yours,




Paul McManus






