Life/e—repro—reflection64 cousin YS's daughter... HyeJin HyeJin was at Grandma's house on Dec. 11, 2005... while she's watching... this... who's this...?.<... by the way... 2005. 12. 21. Announcing the arrival of Isabella Reyna Povenmire McPeck Announcing the arrival of Isabella Reyna Povenmire McPeck Born 11:26 AM on 11/26/05 19 inches long from head to foot. 3.4 kilos (about 7 1/2 pounds but the camera adds five). Mom and baby are both doing great. she was before... from... Hope this announcement finds all of you well. Best fishes, Dan and Clarissa p.s. I'm playing 11 and 26 next time I'm in Vegas...^^ Your new born baby Is a blessi.. 2005. 12. 21. Sun rise... Sun set... Mother who's nobly born... as dazzling brilliant clear light emanating from her... unified into origin attaining eternal liberty... 2005. 11. 11. 삼태성 caricature TaeShin TaeIn TaeJoon 2005. 11. 11. Fall 2005 in Seoul Mother who's nobly born... as dazzling brilliant clear light emanating from her... unified into origin attaining eternal liberty... 2005. 11. 10. United Buddy Bears with cousin YS & HyeJin 2005. 11. 10. 어머니와 대화 II 10 월 26 일... 2005. 10. 31. 어머니와 대화... Mother who's nobly born... as dazzling brilliant clear light emanating from her... unified into origin attaining eternal liberty... 10262005 2005. 10. 31. 삼태성... Three Tae Star... 7 월 27 일... welcoming party with Three Tae Stars... 7 월 31 일... HyeJin with Three Tae Star... 10 월 23 일... Steve with with Three Tae Star... 10 월 30 일... 보리향기에서... 힘자랑^^ 2005. 10. 31. Oliver & YounJin... Uncle's Grave with JungEun's Family 4 월 8 일... Pebble Beach 에서 Henry 와... 10 월 23 일 IL CIPRIANI 에서... Oliver & YounJin 10 월 27 일 스시히로바에서... 10 월 29 일... Uncle's Grave 2005. 10. 31. 근원과 하나 되셨습니다 고귀하게 태어나신 어머니는 당신으로부터 발하는 눈이 부시도록 투명한 빛으로 영원한 자유에 이르는 근원과 하나 되셨습니다 2005. 10. 21. 어머니 10 月 10 日 어머니 빈소 10 月 12 日 발인 10 月 14 日 삼오제 2005. 10. 16. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 다음