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Pebble Beach III www.myspace.com/echobluespirit 2006. 7. 4.
Mother is Always with You... A Very Special Tribute to a Very Special Mom Author: unknown If there is happiness in my heart, it's because you helped put it there. If there is gentleness in my beliefs, it's because you showed me how to care. If there is understanding in my thinking, it's because you shared your wisdom. If there is a rainbow over my shoulder, it's because of your outlook and your vision. If there is a knowle.. 2006. 7. 1.
Pebble Beach II www.myspace.com/echobluespirit 2006. 7. 1.
Warren Buffett Gives Away His Fortune Charlie Rose - An Exclusive Hour with Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates An exclusive hour-long conversation about a new partnership in philanthropy with Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates. Warren Buffett gives away his fortune FORTUNE EXCLUSIVE: The world's second richest man - who's now worth $44 billion - tells editor-at-large Carol Loomis he will start giving away 85% of his w.. 2006. 6. 29.
Pebble Beach I to be continuded... www.myspace.com/echobluespirit 2006. 6. 28.
잘싸웠다 태극전사…그대들 덕에 우린 참 행복했습니다 잘싸웠다 태극전사…그대들 덕에 우린 참 행복했습니다 http://www.donga.com 2006. 6. 24.
Cancer (June 22 to July 22) The Crab June 22 to July 22 Traditional Cancer Traits Emotional and loving Intuitive and imaginative Shrewd and cautious Protective and sympathetic On the dark side.... Changeable and moody Overemotional and touchy Clinging and unable to let go Cancer! About your sign... The Cancerian character is the least clear-cut of all those associated with the signs of the zodiac. It can range from the ti.. 2006. 6. 23.
ECHO 2006 Graduation !!! I'd like to share one of a graduation poem with you... Each of Us Must Climb Our Separate Mountain by William Byrd Each of us must climb our separate mountain To reach at last our own extended view. We can be no more than what we are, Yet that is quite enough for us to do. The world is far too great for comprehension, And so we only know what we can know. But given the abilities we're given, Th.. 2006. 6. 22.
Spring Semester 2006 www.myspace.com/echobluespirit studied at MIIS on Feb 20, 2006 on the way to Monterey Peninsula College Library... the fellows company with me... ㅎㅎ on Feb 21, 2006 Old Trees right in front of The Medical Terminology Class Building at MPC on Feb 22, 2006 MPC Library... 2006. 6. 21.
Worldcup 2006 Korea 1 - France 1 박지성, 후반 36분 극적 동점골… 한국, 프랑스와 1-1 무승부 “들어갔다” 조재진이 헤딩 패스한 볼을 박지성(왼쪽·7번)이 오른발로 툭 갖다 대 프랑스 GK 파비앵 바르테즈를 넘어 골인시키고 있다. 9번은 안정환. 한국은 이 골로 19일 라이프치히 첸트랄슈타디온에서 열린 2006 독일 월드컵 G조 경기에서.. 2006. 6. 20.
Happy Father's Day ! http://www.bluemountain.com 2006. 6. 19.
Lover's Point In Pacific Grove, Monterey Peninsula www.myspace.com/echobluespirit Lover's Point Octopus Treefish So many dive sites, so little time. . . Where to dive today? Let’s say you are a relatively new diver to Monterey, have dived at the Breakwater or McAbee Beach, and you are looking for something new and a little more challenging. Or, you are a photographer looking for good macro photography, or you’re with a non-diving family. I .. 2006. 6. 16.