달3 종이인형 - 황경신의 사랑동화 사랑 때문에 모든 것을 버릴 나이는 지났지만 지금도 나는 기다리고 있지 사랑이라 부르지 않아도 사랑일 수밖에 없는 사랑을 황경신의 미발표 신작 열다섯 편! 당신이 주인공이 될지도 모를 열다섯 색깔의 사랑 토이 유희열이 추천한 바로 그 책! 손에 잡힐 듯 말 듯한 아련함과 먹먹히 가슴을 적셔오.. 2011. 2. 21. [스크랩] I`m Giving You This for Two Reasons... I'm Giving You This for Two Reasons... First of all, I want to tell you that I hope your day is filled with sunshine and smiles! And the other reason? I just wanted to pass along a little reminder that will always be true... I still think that the moon and the stars revolve around you! I Love You 2006. 9. 30. Cancer (June 22 to July 22) The Crab June 22 to July 22 Traditional Cancer Traits Emotional and loving Intuitive and imaginative Shrewd and cautious Protective and sympathetic On the dark side.... Changeable and moody Overemotional and touchy Clinging and unable to let go Cancer! About your sign... The Cancerian character is the least clear-cut of all those associated with the signs of the zodiac. It can range from the ti.. 2006. 6. 23. 이전 1 다음