Daniel3 17 The Justice of God 17 The Justice of God 하나님의 공의 Our Father, we love Thee for Thy justice. We acknowledge that Thy judgments are true and righteous altogether. Thy justice upholds the order of the universe and guarantees the safety of all who put their trust in Thee. We live because Thou art just - and merciful. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, righteous in all Thy ways and holy in all Thy works. Amen. 우리들의 아버.. 2008. 8. 19. 13 The Divine Transcendence 13 The Divine Transcendence 하나님의 초월성 O Lord our Lord, there is none like Thee in heaven above or in the earth beneath. Thine is the greatness and the dignity and the majesty. All that is in the heaven and the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, O God, and Thou art exalted as head over all. Amen. 오, 주 곧 우리 주여, 위로 하늘에나 아래로 땅에 주 같은 이가 없나이다. 위대함과 존엄과 위엄이 주의 것이오며.. 2008. 8. 15. 11 The Wisdom of God 11 The Wisdom of God 하나님의 지혜 Thou, O Christ, who wert tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin, make us strong to overcome the desire to be wise and to be reputed wise by others as ignorant as ourselves. We turn from our wisdom as well as from our folly and flee to Thee, the wisdom of God and the power of God. Amen. 모든 점에서 우리와 똑같이 시험을 받으셨으되 죄가 없으신 그리스도시여, 지혜로우려는 욕망과 우리 자신들처럼 무지한 다른 .. 2008. 8. 13. 이전 1 다음