Enlightenment2 The Yang of Leadership in Action - 悟 sato The Yang of Leadership in Action 陽 yang literally, "the masculine principle" 8. Vidion, Empowerment, and Growth 悟 sato literally, "to be spiritually awakened," "to perceive," "to comprehend" The verb is the root of the Buddhist term, satori (enlightenment). A Tao leader who combines vision, empowerment, and growth practices sato. Can you lead your people Without seeking to control? Can you .. 2007. 4. 1. Meditation: The Path to Enlightenment 14 Feb. 2005 Siddhartha Gautama, The Buddha Meditation: The Path to Enlightenment Questions for Critical Reading: 1. What does it mean to restrain the senses? To restrain the senses mean that cease craving for pleasure from Worldly Activities whereas constant suffering from transient delusion. 2. According to the selection, how can restraining the senses produce the results that the Buddha desi.. 2005. 2. 14. 이전 1 다음