LOGOS2 Mere Christianity - Book Four - The Obstinate Toy Soldiers Book Four Beyond Personality: Or First Steps In The Doctrine Of The Trinity 5. The Obstinate Toy Soldiers The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God. We do not know-anyway, I do not know-how things would have worked if the human race had never rebelled against God and joined the enemy. Perhaps every man would have been "in Christ," would have shared the life of the Son of G.. 2009. 12. 21. Nature Fights Back, RACHEL CARSON 14 March 2005 RACHEL CARSON Nature Fights Back Questions for Critical Reading: 1. Carson’s argument appeals on its Logos, Pathos, and Ethos Logos: The greatest damage done to the environment by well-intentioned people who were unaware of the devastation they caused. The insect populations affected by sprays reveal that there is on clear way to use chemical insecticides without upsetting the bala.. 2005. 3. 16. 이전 1 다음