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[스크랩] The people we love... The people we love... '); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('Macromedia Flash Player is required for this presentation. Please click on the image below to install the Flash Player and come back to revisit us. '); document.write(' '); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } else if (flash_plugin && parseInt(flash_plugin.description.substring(flash_plugi.. 2006. 1. 2.
[스크랩] Dear Friends... Dear Friends... You Are on the Way to So Many Wonderful Things in the Year to Come Welcome to the New Year! I hope... it will be the happiest you've ever known, and that it will be a year filled with dreams come true. This is such a perfect time to think of wishes you want to turn into realities and goals you want to reach. It takes a lot to set your sights on a distant horizon and to keep on r.. 2006. 1. 2.
March of the Penguins (2005) March of the Penguins (2005) Each winter, alone in the pitiless ice deserts of Antarctica, deep in the most inhospitable terrain on Earth, a truly remarkable journey takes place as it has done for millennia. Emperor penguins in their thousands abandon the deep blue security of their ocean home and clamber onto the frozen ice to begin their long journey into a region so bleak, so extreme, it sup.. 2005. 12. 30.
The Best Moments in Life... Happy Anniversary! been through so many things... H. City... v years... L. Beach... v years... E... i year... T... iii years... P. Beach... almost i year... be positive... and... don't worry... be happy^^ keep growing both... for very precious lives together... thank you for the love... many kisses with loving heart... Love always... Today when the sun wakes up, and the dew drops in, and the br.. 2005. 8. 11.
WHAT MEN LIVE BY - Leo Tolstoy WHAT MEN LIVE BY by Leo Tolstoy 'We know that we have passed out of death into life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not abideth in death.' -- I Epistle St. John iii. 14. 'Whoso hath the world's goods, and beholdeth his brother in need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how doth the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither with the tongu.. 2005. 7. 12.
Happy Father's Day ! Happy Father's Day !!! May These Special Gifts Come Your Way Happiness. Deep down within. Serenity. With each sunrise. Success. In each facet of your life. Close and caring friends. Love. That never ends. Special memories. Of all the yesterdays. A bright today. With much to be thankful for. A path. That leads to beautiful tomorrows. Dreams. That do their best to come true. And appreciation. Of .. 2005. 6. 19.
Veronica decides to die - Paulo Coelho Veronica decides to die by Paulo Coelho Review Paulo Coelho Veronica decides to die by Alexander Miskaryan “On 11 November 1997, Veronika decided that the moment to kill herself had finally arrived. She carefully cleaned the room she rented in the convent , turned off the heating, brushed her teeth and lay down. She picked up the four packs of sleeping pills from her bedside table. Instead of.. 2005. 6. 11.
Eleven Minutes - Paulo Coelho Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho Interview PAULO COELHO ANSWERS QUESTIONS ABOUT ELEVEN MINUTES Rio de Janeiro, March 2003 The title of Eleven Minutes is inspired by Irving Wallace's novel The Seven Minutes, published in the 70s. Wallace's bestseller deals with a long-running legal battle over the banning of a book that takes a close look at sex: in particular the seven-minute duration of the aver.. 2005. 6. 11.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day and... Valentine's Day Quotations It's Valentine's Day. That means it's time to dust off your romantic side. Let out all that poetry you've kept hidden inside for far too long. Be the sweet talker you were meant to be. Or...you could take the easy way out. Use one of these romantic quotes to sign your Valentine card or to impress a special someone face to face. You'll likely find at least one that say.. 2005. 2. 14.
와니와 준하 Wanee and Junah (2001) 일을 선택하고 사랑을 배우며 어른으로 성장하는... 와니와 준하의 그 여름 이야기. 와니와 준하는 같이 산다. 와니(26세)는 현재 6년 경력의 동화부 애니메이터. 성공보다는 일 자체를 사랑하는 와니는 원화부로 옮기는 문제를 망설이고 있다. 그녀를 사랑하는 시나리오 작가 지망생 준하(27세)는 춘천 .. 2005. 1. 16.
"New Year Thoughts and Memories of Vali Moezzi" "New Year Thoughts and Memories of Vali Moezzi" Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 21:34:12 -0800 by Wally Gordon 쓰나미도 못꺾은 인간의 의지 지난해 12월 26일 인도네시아 아체 주 해변에서 지진해일에 휩쓸린 뒤 9일간 인도양에서 표류하던 리잘 샤푸트라 씨가 3일 말레이시아 화물선을 향해 필사적으로 손을 흔들고 있다(위). 배로 끌어.. 2005. 1. 6.
`Korean Wave` was unstoppable... [YEAR-END REVIEW] `Korean Wave` was unstoppable The cultural phenomenon known as hallyu or the "Korean Wave" left an indelible mark throughout Asia in 2004, fanning optimism about the country`s potential as a culture powerhouse. Unfortunately, the domestic entertainment industry failed to revive itself due to the nation`s economic slump. Fans line up to see Bae Yong Joon's photo exhibition at R.. 2004. 12. 29.