Nature39 The winners of the magazine's 35th annual photography competition: The winners of the magazine's 35th annual photography competition: Hira Punjabi Maharashtra, India On a frigid winter morning at India's Tal Chappar animal sanctuary, Punjabi came upon two male blackbucks battling for dominance against a glowing backdrop of dust and light. The graceful animals, once overhunted, can now be seen in herds throughout India. Punjabi made the photograph with a 500mm .. 2006. 5. 27. “Ode to the West Wind” - Questions/Analysis 25 April 2005 Percy Bysshe Shelley “Ode to the West Wind” 1. What is the idea of the Wind? Shelley conceived this poem in a tempestuous windy day in the Arno, near Florence, Dante’s hometown. The opening of Shelley's “Ode to the West Wind” is written in terza rima (note), the form of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. Zephyrus was the West Wind, son of Astrœus and Aurora. From this .. 2005. 4. 25. "Ode to the West Wind" - Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1792–1822 Ode to the West Wind I O WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being Thou from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes! O thou 5 Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The wingèd seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each.. 2005. 4. 25. Reflections of Spiritual Ideas - Essay Reflections of Spiritual Ideas Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness is Edward Abbey’s narrative of his inner voice while he was working as a park ranger at Arches National Monument in Utah. It is written in straight-forward speaking from his uncompromising viewpoint, yet it contains significant spiritual ideas in both A World Of Idears and English romantic Poetry reflected in Buddha.. 2005. 4. 14. Analysis of Abbey’s thesis in “Desert Solitaire" - Essay Analysis of Abbey’s Thesis in Desert Solitaire – A Season in the Wilderness To analyze Abbey’s thesis in Desert Solitaire, “Cowboys and Indians: Part II” directs my attention to his idea. In fact, Abbey physically stated his thesis in this chapter, “There is no mystery; there is only paradox, the incontrovertible union of contradictory truths” (124). Abbey illustrates his .. 2005. 3. 26. Desert Solitaire - Questions/Analysis 16 March 2005 EDWARD ABBEY DESERT SOLITAIRE – A Season in the Wilderness Discussion Points 1. What is the tone of the narrative? (See “tone” in LB 32, 116, and 127) The tone combines rational appeals to reader’s capacities for logical reasoning with emotional appeals to readers’ beliefs and feelings. Ultimately, these tones contribute to ethical appeal, and so does acknowledgi.. 2005. 3. 21. Nature Fights Back, RACHEL CARSON 14 March 2005 RACHEL CARSON Nature Fights Back Questions for Critical Reading: 1. Carson’s argument appeals on its Logos, Pathos, and Ethos Logos: The greatest damage done to the environment by well-intentioned people who were unaware of the devastation they caused. The insect populations affected by sprays reveal that there is on clear way to use chemical insecticides without upsetting the bala.. 2005. 3. 16. Nonmoral Nature by Stephen Jay Gould Nonmoral Nature by Stephen Jay Gould hen the Right Honorable and Reverend Francis Henry, earl of Bridgewater, died in February, 1829, he left ?,000 to support a series of books "on the power, wisdom and goodness of God, as manifested in the creation." William Buckland, England's first official academic geologist and later dean of Westminster, was invited to compose one of the nine Bridgewater T.. 2005. 3. 2. Nonmoral Nature - Questions/Analysis 28 Feb. 2005 STHEPHEN JAY GOULD Nonmoral Nature Questions for Critical Reading: 3. What does it mean to anthropomorphize nature? What are some concrete results of doing so? The meaning of anthropomorphizing nature is that of applying the behavior of animals in nature to human terms. For example, theologians in nineteenth-century thought that the insects’ act of predation was seen as comparabl.. 2005. 3. 2. The Education of Little Tree - Forrest Carter The Education of Little Tree Forrest Carther 내영혼이 따뜻했던날들 포리스트 카터 저 , 조경숙 역 The Education of Little Tree by Forrest Carter "A tender reminiscence of the author's boyhood makes a case for the natural approach to life... A memorable reading experiences... Poignant, happy, warm, and filled with love and respect for the Indian way of life." -Booklist "Some o.. 2004. 11. 17. 길을 지우며 길을 걷다... ■ 삶의 속도를 자연과 호흡하듯 맑고 깊게… 시인인 그가 홀연 서울 생활을 접고 지리산으로 들어간 지 7년째다. 처음엔 그의 뜻밖의 행보에 지인들이 놀랐지만, 이제 이원규는 “지리산 시인”이라는 별칭이 붙어다니는, 알 만한 사람은 다 아는 지리산 사람이 되어 있다. 그는 산속에 묻혀 지내는 .. 2004. 5. 24. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Rachel Carson's Silent Spring : A Brief History of Ecology as a Subversive Subject Gary Kroll Assistant Professor of History Plattsburgh State University at NY In the late 1960s Paul Shepard, a human ecologist and philosopher, wrote the introduction for Subversive Science - a book that offered an interdisciplinary perspective on what was then termed "the ecological crisis. " Shepard noted that .. 2004. 4. 14. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음