Nicholas of Cusa3 15 The Faithfulness of God 15 The Faithfulness of God 하나님의 신실성 It is a good thing to give thanks unto Thee and to sing praises unto Thy name, O Most High, to show forth Thy loving-kindness in the morning and Thy faithfulness every night. As Thy Son while on earth was loyal to Thee, His Heavenly Father, so now in heaven He is faithful to us, His earthly brethren; and in this knowledge we press on with every confident hope .. 2008. 8. 17. 7 The Eternity of God 7 The Eternity of God 하나님의 영원성 This day our hearts approve with gladness what our reason can never fully comprehend, even Thine eternity, O Ancient of Days. Art Thou not from everlasting, O Lord, my God, mine Holy one? We worship Thee, the Father Everlasting, whose years shall have no end; and Thee, the love-begotten Son whose goings forth have been ever of old; we also acknowledge and adore The.. 2008. 8. 8. 2 God Incomprehensible 2 God Incomprehensible 헤아릴 수 없이 무한하신 하나님 Lord, how great is our dilemma! In Thy Presence silence best becomes us, but love inflames our hearts and constrains us to speak. Were we to hold our peace the stones would cry out; yet if we speak, what shall we say? Teach us to know that we cannot know, for the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Let faith support us where reason fails,.. 2008. 8. 2. 이전 1 다음