Relationships2 Proverbs, East and West Compiled by Kim Yong Chol Proverbs, East and West: An Anthology of Chinese, Korean and Japanese Sayings with Western Equivalents Compiled by Kim Yong-chol Illustrated by Lee Hyun-joo The proverb was once called "the fruit of the longest pxperience in the fewest words," and Cervantes phased it as "a short sentence founded on long experience." Certainly it is one of the oldest and shortest forms of folkl.. 2012. 8. 5. Feng Shui The Pa Kua One important Feng Shui formula concerns the eight main life Aspirations, corresponding to the four cardinal Directions and the four inter-cardinal Directions of the compass (Lo Pan). Each of these Aspirations is symbolized in the octagonal shaped Pa Kua, one of the most basic Feng Shui tools, which identifies where the particular Aspirational locations lie in your home or workplace,.. 2007. 12. 17. 이전 1 다음