Samuel7 4. 성령은 누구신가? Who is The Holy Spirit? 4. 성령은 누구신가? Who is The Holy Spirit? 그리스도인 치고 성령님을 언급하지 않는 이가 없습니다만, 성령님께서 어떤 분이신지 정확하게 알고 있는 사람은 그리 흔치 않습니다. 예수님에 대한 열정만큼 성령님을 알려는 열정을 갖고 있지 않기 때문입니다. 그러나 예수님께서는 자신 대신 성령님께서 .. 2009. 2. 22. 구약성경개론 제 3 부 역사서 The Books of History 제 10~23 장 구약성경개론 제 3 부 역사서 The Books of History : The Preparation for Christ 그리스도 오심의 준비 제 10 장 역사서 서론 Introductory of The Books of History : 역사서 : 그리스도 오심의 준비 여호수아 — 이스라엘의 가나안 소유 사사기 ∙ 룻기 — 이스라엘의 억압 사무엘상 — 이스라엘의 안정화 사무엘 하 — 이스라.. 2008. 11. 23. Love That Sweats - Jon Walker Love That Sweats by Jon Walker We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:3 When Jesus loves, he works up a sweat; he rolls up his sleeves, gets on his knees, and washes our feet with his blood, sweat, and tears. He labors at love, though his love is n.. 2008. 11. 10. How to Have a Quiet Time - Rick Warren How to Have a Quiet Time by Rick Warren “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 Once you’re convinced that a daily quiet time is necessary for spiritual growth, how do you go about having one? You may be motivated to do it but may not know how. Start with the proper attitudes In God’s eyes, .. 2008. 10. 12. 30 Shaped For Serving God PURPOSE # 4 You Were Shaped For Serving God We are simply God's servants.... Each one of us does the work which the Lord gave him to do: I planted the seed, Apollos watered the plant, but it was God who made the plant grow. 1 Corinthians 3:5-6 30 Shaped for Serving God Your hands shaped me and made me. Job 10:8 The people I have shaped for myself will broadcast my praises. Isaiah 43:21 You were.. 2008. 7. 9. 13 Worship That Pleases God PURPOSE # 1 You Were Planned For God's Pleasure For God has planed them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3 13 Worship That Pleases God Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30 God wants all of you. God doesn't want a part of your life. He asks for all your heart, all your soul, all y.. 2008. 6. 22. 12 Developing Your Friendship With God PURPOSE # 1 You Were Planned For God's Pleasure For God has planed them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3 12 Developing Your Friendship with God He offers his friendship to the godly. Proverbs 3:32 Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. James 4:8 You are as close to God as you choose to be. If you want a deeper, more intimate connection with God you must l.. 2008. 6. 21. 이전 1 다음