Self-discovery3 Self-Appraisal Self-Appraisal April 19, 2007 “Well trained in all positions of Patient Business Services (PBS) at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP).” This statement is my “Goals For Next Year” in 90 days Job Performance Review on July 14, 2006. Since I took Medical Terminology at MPC in Spring 2006, I have been excited to utilize my knowledge when I am registering patients at the ho.. 2007. 4. 21. Laugh Three Times and Call Me in the Morning Laugh Three Times and Call Me in the Morning by Tina Coleman Can laughter really help us heal? Anecdotal evidence and some studies seem to point in that direction. Scientists aren't sure. But why wait for them to figure it out? Just yuck it up. It certainly can't hurt. Scientists know that laughing increases the rate at which the heart beats and the muscles contract. Laughter stimulates the car.. 2006. 3. 25. Stress: Your Body Under Attack The Power of Personality by Debra Wood, RN What makes one person rush forward, eager to experience the world, while another holds back? Personality. Unraveling the mysteries of your behavior patterns can help you discover ways to enrich your life and relationships and work more effectively. Great minds have pondered the complexities of personality, temperament, and health for .. 2006. 3. 25. 이전 1 다음