Tennyson2 7 The Eternity of God 7 The Eternity of God 하나님의 영원성 This day our hearts approve with gladness what our reason can never fully comprehend, even Thine eternity, O Ancient of Days. Art Thou not from everlasting, O Lord, my God, mine Holy one? We worship Thee, the Father Everlasting, whose years shall have no end; and Thee, the love-begotten Son whose goings forth have been ever of old; we also acknowledge and adore The.. 2008. 8. 8. Legend of Lady Godiva Legend of Lady Godiva Lady Godiva, 1898 / John Collier, Courtesy of the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Coventry Godiva by Lord Alfred Tennyson I waited for the train at Coventry; I hung with grooms and porters on the bridge, To watch the three tall spires; and there I shaped The city's ancient legend into this: Not only we, the latest seed of Time, New men, that in the flying of a wheel Cry down.. 2006. 7. 14. 이전 1 다음