Tsunami3 Kindergarteners show tsunami support !!! The American Red Cross continues to provide lifesaving relief to tsunami survivors ike nutritious food, essential supplies like tents and hygiene items, basic healthcare and the support that these victims will need to cope with the unbelievable trauma they're experienced. We're reaching hundreds of thousands of survivors together with the international Red Cross/Red Crescent movement. And we'll.. 2005. 3. 5. Tsunami Relief Update Learn More: Tsunami Relief Plan Latest from the Field Interactive Tsunami Relief Map Other charities supporting relief operations: www.usafreedomcorps.gov Corporate and Philanthropic Sponsors Dear everyone, A little more than a month ago, a tidal wave created by the largest earthquake in four decades roared through communities along the coast of the Indian Ocean killing hundreds of thousands of.. 2005. 2. 2. Red Cross organizing relief effort WAVE OF DESTRUCTION Donations Pile In From Companies, Individuals A WALL STREET JOURNAL NEWS ROUNDUP December 30, 2004 Companies and individuals from around the world have joined the rush to aid victims of the tsunami disaster, donating cash, medicine and vital supplies. Airlines are providing free travel for relief workers, and Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc. have sent thousands of cases of bot.. 2004. 12. 30. 이전 1 다음