Zen12 blueSpirit - 오직 모를뿐 I 但眠 I Only Don't Know I 1992 오직 모를뿐 I 但眠 I only Don't Know I 1992 종이에 혼합재료 Mixed Media on Paper 61 x 41cm _ 24 x 16 in Human beings come into this world empty handed and go empty handed. When you are born, where do you come from? When you die, where do you go? Are you clear about that? Life is like a floating cloud which appears; death is like a floating cloud which disappears. The floating cloud itself originally does not .. 2008. 6. 9. Meditation with Cherry-Blossom & Dewdrops on Spiderweb Like a frontier fortress, guarded inside & out, guard yourself. Don't let the moment pass by. Those for whom the moment is past grieve, consigned to hell. -Dhammapada, 22 Actions motivated by attachment, aversion, or ignorance, regardless of any external appearances, are simply not Buddhist practices. -Lorne Ladner, "Wheel Of Great Compassion" Loosened & oiled Are the joys of a person. People, .. 2007. 2. 17. Meditation with Cherry-Blossom Arrived at the finished, unfrightened, unblemished, free of craving, he has cut away the arrows of becoming. This physical heap is his last. Free from craving, ungrasping, astute in expression, knowing the combination of sounds--- which comes first & which after. He’s called a last-body greatly discerning great man. -Dhammapada Anything that acts as an antidote to self-grasping is Dharma prac.. 2007. 2. 12. Pervading Serenity with Blue Mount Silhouette As rain seeps into an ill-thatched hut, so passion, the undeveloped mind. As rain doesn't seep into a well-thatched hut, so passion does not, the well-developed mind. -Dhammapada, 1 According to Buddhist psychology, most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for, attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities. The pursuit of the objects of our desire and attachment in.. 2007. 1. 25. Atacama - Meditation Opening the door on voidness of identity, Clear awareness floods everywhere, And though everywhere, nowhere is an identity found. -Milarepa, "Drinking the Mountain Stream" When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself. -Shunryu Suzuki Just as vessels made of clay by a potter all have breaking as their end, so is the life of mortals.. 2007. 1. 7. 人間 사람 사이 Sandalwood, tagara, lotus, & jasmine: Among these scents, The scent of virtue Is unsurpassed. Next to nothing, this fragrance --sandalwood, tagara&#8212; while the scent of the virtuous wafts to the gods, supreme. -Dhammapada, 4 Real Love is not based on attachment, but on altruism. In this case, your compassion will remain as a humane response to suffering as long as beings continue to.. 2006. 12. 10. Daily Wisdom It is a defect in language that words suggest permanent realities and people do not see through this deception. But mere words cannot create reality. Thus people speak of a final goal and believe it is real, but it is a form of words and the goal as such is without substance. The one who realizes the emptiness of objects and concepts does not depend on words. Perfect wisdom is beyond definition.. 2006. 7. 14. 어떻게 공부할 것인가... <왜 사는가 2>... 무량스님 수행기 어떻게 공부할 것인가... 해와 달은 마치 번갯불과 같거니 광음은 참으로 아껴야 하네. 살고 죽음은 호흡 사이에 있어 아침저녁을 보장하기 어렵네. 다니거나 섰거나 앉거나 누웠거나 한 치 세월도 허송하지 말고 용맹에 다시 용맹을 더하되 우리 본사이신 석가처럼 하라. 정진하고 다시 정진하면서 마.. 2006. 5. 27. 《發心修行章》... <왜 사는가 1> ... 무량스님 수행기 《發心修行章》 대저 모든 부처님이 적멸궁을 장엄함은 夫諸佛諸佛, 莊嚴寂滅宮, 까마득한 겁바다에 인욕 고행한 탓이요, 於多劫海, 捨欲苦行; 많고 많은 중생들이 불집 속에 넘나듦은 衆生衆生, 輪廻火宅門, 한량없는 저 세상에 탐욕 놓지 못함일세. 於無量世, 貪欲不捨. 막힘없는 저 천당에 가는 사.. 2006. 5. 15. The Archangel Gabriel - Leo Tolstoy The Archangel Gabriel Originally written by the Persian poet F. Attar, translated and reinterpreted by Tolstoy. "Divine And Human" 의 16 stories 중... 세번째 이야기... 가장 짧은 이야기 입니다 그런데 이 짧은 이야기 속에 Tolstoy 의 main theme 이 함축되어 있답니다^^ 그 이야기는... Once Upon a time, the archangel Gabriel heard the voice of God speaking fr.. 2005. 7. 17. The Compass of Zen - ZEN MASTER SEUNG SAHN (I) The Compass of Zen Zen Master Seung Sahn Where are you going? Why do you live in this world? What are you doing in this world? When you are born, where do you come from? When you die, where do you go? First attain enlightenment, then instruct all beings. If you attain emptiness, you are free. Then you can help all beings. This is true liberation. Insight into Impermanence (The Eight Sufferings).. 2002. 2. 17. 만행, 하버드에서 화계사까지 - 현각스님 For someone who practices strongly, even walking, eating, drinking tea, meeting friends, peeling a ripe persimmon, using the toilet, walking through the busy market, feeling the sudden autumn wind on one's face, watching a passing car on the busy city street - all of these moments are our practice, or 'man haeng'. 현각스님의 글 중에서... <만행·하버드에서 화계사까지〉.. 2001. 6. 19. 이전 1 다음