blood2 Calcium and Vitamin D Calcium, Vitamin D and Your Health Calcium and Vitamin D are nutrients that have received much attention in recent years because they work together to prevent several chronic diseases. One of the best sources of calcium and Vitamin D is milk, but there are other sources. This pamphlet can help you understand why adequate amounts of these nutrients are needed for overall health and prevention of.. 2009. 1. 25. STROKE What is Stroke? Stroke is the third leading cause of death in America and the No. 1 cause of adult disability. 80% of strokes are preventable; you can prevent a stroke! What is a stroke? A stroke or "brain attack" occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery (a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body) or a blood vessel (a tube through which the blood moves through the body) brea.. 2007. 11. 18. 이전 1 다음