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2012 임진년 壬辰年 Year of the Black Dragon 2012 is the Year of 'Yim-jin', or the Black Dragon. The Year of the Dragon returns every twelve years but the Year of the Black Dragon only comes every 60 years. Korean people consider the Year of the Black Dragon to bring luck, believing the dragon ascends to heaven at the end of its long life under the water. The Dragon is in fact the major symbol of good fortune i.. 2012. 1. 2.
How to Resolve Conflict with Your Spouse - Rick Warren How to Resolve Conflict with Your Spouse by Rick Warren You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. James 4:2 Sometimes the biggest conflicts in marriage are over the most trivial issues. If you’re going to pull together when you’re pulled apart, you have to: Call on God for help. Pray about it. Before you go to your spouse about the problem, discuss it with God. Thi.. 2008. 10. 22.
Feng Shui The Pa Kua One important Feng Shui formula concerns the eight main life Aspirations, corresponding to the four cardinal Directions and the four inter-cardinal Directions of the compass (Lo Pan). Each of these Aspirations is symbolized in the octagonal shaped Pa Kua, one of the most basic Feng Shui tools, which identifies where the particular Aspirational locations lie in your home or workplace,.. 2007. 12. 17.
The Yang of Leadership in Action - 和 wa The Yang of Leadership in Action 陽 yang literally, "the masculine principle" 12. Creating Harmony 和 wa literally, "harmony," "peace" Tao leaders create greater harmony around them because they follow the path of greater harmony within. My words are easy to know, Easy to practice. Yet few under heaven Know or practice them. My words reveal Eternal principles, Enduring patterns. Pathways to h.. 2007. 5. 28.
The Yang of Leadership in Action - 誠 makoto The Yang of Leadership in Action 陽 yang literally, "the masculine principle" 11. Transcending Ego 誠 makoto literally, "sincerity," "truth," "integrity" The Tao leader transcends ego and self-centeredness. Coming from a deeper center of integrity enables us to inspire trust and promote harmony. The Tao leader acts without attachement, Achieves, but does not take credit, Transcending ego With.. 2007. 5. 23.
The Yang of Leadership in Action - 合 氣 道 aikido The Yang of Leadership in Action 陽 yang literally, "the masculine principle" 10. Conflict Resolution 合 氣 道 aikido literally, "the way of harmony," combining ai ("harmony" or "love") with ki ("spirit") and do ("the way"): resolving conflict without harming the opponent, transforming opposing energies into new patterns of harmony. Those who responsibly meet Life's conflicts Can truly lead.. 2007. 4. 30.
The Yang of Leadership in Action - 協 kyo The Yang of Leadership in Action 陽 yang literally, "the masculine principle" 7. Building Community 協 kyo literally, "to be in harmony" The character is made up of the number ten, combined with the character for strength repeated three times. The Tao leader knows that community multiplies our positive power. The Tao leader creates harmony, Reaching From the heart To build community. (Tao, 49.. 2007. 3. 13.
The Yin of Inner Leadership - 殘 心 Zanshin The Yin of Inner Leadership 陰 yin literally, "the female principle" 1. Zanshin 殘 心 zanshin literally, "the spirit stays or lingers" The term means connection, the ability to extend our energies outward to create new harmonies. The Tao is an empty vessel, Infinitely useful, The source of then thousand things. It blunts all sharpness, Unties all knots, Softens the light, And blends with the.. 2007. 1. 17.