june9 Brian, Dani, Matt, and Milly VI 07012005 Last day of road trip~~~ Hey... Who's on the air???... Happy moment^^ It's me... ㅎㅎ Hey^^ Who's... you know... somebody looks tall~~~ 3 brothers... same height^^ happy friendship^^ ............. ever after about 5 months... Tue, 22 Nov 2005... from Milly Hi aunt Stacie this is milly, how are you guys doing? tell uncle steve i am in college and it is fun! responded on same day... he.. 2005. 7. 2. Brian, Dani, Matt, and Milly V 06282005 Point Lobos State Reserve - a living museum 3 still-lives... another scene... join with us to find crab... oh... well... that's enough for me... ㅎㅎ we climb up to top... we like it here... sitting on cliff... zoom shot^^ Hey~~~ what's down there??? wave~~~ Where is it??? behind you... 1 & 3 in nature... model shot me too^^ how can I step on this yellow creature??? don't worry.... 2005. 7. 1. Pebble Beach II 2005. 7. 1. Pebble Beach I 2005. 6. 29. Brian, Dani, Matt, and Milly IV Brian, Dani, Matt, and Milly 062705 part III After Giani's Pizza... ummmm... yammi... it's the time for checking missed phone calls... super^^... it's about time... nice~~~ happy~~~ It's The Lodge at Pebble Beach... pretty Did I miss someone??? Where??? Here he is... Let's get going... Where is it??? It's Robert Louise Stevenson Private High School... W.O.W.... It's a good place to study... don.. 2005. 6. 29. Brian, Dani, Matt, and Milly III 062705 part II On the way to eat... We stop by one of Steve's favorite place... Pacific Grove... with rocks... under bright sun... get closer... to have closer shot for everyone^^ Hello^^ 天上天下... two of us~~~ just for boys^^ how's their face expressions... what's next??? nice... smile^^ What do you guys discuss about??? ah-ha^^ penalty??? no... just for fun... what about there??? ready .. 2005. 6. 28. Brian, Dani, Matt, and Milly II Brian Rhee, Dani Anderson, Matt Breiland, and Milly Pineda II 062705 at Monterey Aquarium... Where is this picture?...@_@???... ㅎㅎ Where were we??? Monterey Bay... before you guys are born... I think... Here you are... Dani & Matt^^ Milly & Brian all together with... @.@...who's this little one?~~~...ㅎㅎ view form outside... what are we looking for??? rocks??? blue ocean & bl.. 2005. 6. 28. Monterey 06272005 view from Aquarium on the way to Pacific Grove 2005. 6. 28. Brian, Dani, Matt, and Milly I Brian Rhee, Dani Anderson, Matt Breiland, and Milly Pineda 062005 after Dinner... at Monterey Bay... with Steve... 062105 Next day... afer Breakfast... at Golden State Theatre cross the street... on the way back home... Pebble Beach from Hillsboro, Oregon... 14 hours driving to get here... after one day rest... left for Disenyland... 7 hours form here for more... see next... 2005. 6. 28. 이전 1 다음