silver sea2 Meav - You Brought Me Up Meav - You Brought Me Up 歌曲专辑:《Silver Sea》 总浏览:3245 文件大小:6.41mb 总下载:2437 级别评定: 本 月:1944 添加时间:2004-5-30 19:16:09 本 周:76 最后更新:2004-5-30 19:16:09 今 日:1 解压密码 添加者:pop ::歌曲简介:: Meav 来自都柏林,不食人间烟火的天籁之声,自然脱俗,极品! ::歌曲点评.. 2004. 6. 29. LEAD INTO GOLD/Images of Alchemy in Contemporary Art Time And Again 2002 bone dust on black aluminum panel 39" x 27" x 3" “Time and Again” by Sarah Perry What I understood the meaning of alchemy, the main theme of this exhibition, is that dealt with the phenomenon of transformation-not only of lead into gold but also of the human spirit. The artwork, “Time and Again”, represents the main idea of alchemy exactly. Artist, Sarah Perry, creat.. 2004. 3. 23. 이전 1 다음