travel6 Southern California In One Day Southern California in one day Looking for something to do with your out-of-town visitors? Here are five budget-friendly suggestions to help you pass the time. From The Los Angeles Times, 03:22 PM PDT, September 23, 2008 Here is an eclectic list of places where Travel section staffers like to take out-of-town visitors for a slice of SoCal life. The Bunny Museum, anyone? HIDDEN TREASURES IN LOW-.. 2008. 9. 25. Sky from Anaheim to Monterey II 2006. 4. 14. Sky from Anaheim to Monterey I 2006. 4. 14. Basic Info. for daily lives & travel tips in America... Basic Info. for daily lives & travel tips in America... 기후 미국의 기후는 면적이 넓어서 각 지역마다 차이가 납니다. 로스앤젤레스는 일 년 내내 온난하고 6월부터 10월은 우리나라의 여름과 비슷하며 30℃ 이상 올라갈 때도 있지만 습도가 낮아서 그늘에 있으면 시원하고 햇볕에 있으면 따갑다고 느껴지는 정.. 2006. 1. 26. Monterey downtown with friends... Hey^^ What are they?...@.@ I see a lot of people here... and... you know who they are... Sam... Steve, Min, Mark & Summer W.O.W. What an abundant harvest !!! red-orange-yellow-green-blue-navy-violet... Hey^^...these are rainbow peppers... ㅎㅎ Do you know why I like this??? ㅎㅎ I saw a little blue stone^^...ㅋ~~~ Well... We'll come back to see them closer... someday... We need to go s.. 2004. 8. 9. Meet with Squirrels... It's been a long time^^ 오랬만이다^^ our friends...Squirrel... running toward to us... showing how happy he is... to meet us again 반가워서 마구 달려오는 우리의 친구... Squirrel... 반갑다 말할 새도 없이 건네주는 땅콩... 언능 입으로 가져가서는... don't even say thank you but grab the peanut away... put it in his mouth... crack open a peanut shell... .. 2004. 8. 8. 이전 1 다음