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blueSpirit - 섬광 閃光 Flash 1992

by e-bluespirit 2008. 6. 12.


섬광 閃光 Flash 1992

화선지에 수묵담채 Ink and color on Korean paper

160 x 90cm _ 53 1/4 x 35 1/2in



Guilt And Sorrow


William Wordsworth



      Such tale of this lone mansion she had learned
      And, when that shape, with eyes in sleep half drowned,
      By the moon's sullen lamp she first discerned,
      Cold stony horror all her senses bound.
      Her he addressed in words of cheering sound;
      Recovering heart, like answer did she make;
      And well it was that, of the corse there found,
      In converse that ensued she nothing spake;
      She knew not what dire pangs in him such tale could wake.


      But soon his voice and words of kind intent
      Banished that dismal thought; and now the wind
      In fainter howlings told its 'rage' was spent:
      Meanwhile discourse ensued of various kind,
      Which by degrees a confidence of mind
      And mutual interest failed not to create.
      And, to a natural sympathy resigned,
      In that forsaken building where they sate
      The Woman thus retraced her own untoward fate.


      "By Derwent's side my father dwelt--a man
      Of virtuous life, by pious parents bred;
      And I believe that, soon as I began
      To lisp, he made me kneel beside my bed,
      And in his hearing there my prayers I said:
      And afterwards, by my good father taught,
      I read, and loved the books in which I read;
      For books in every neighbouring house I sought,
      And nothing to my mind a sweeter pleasure brought.


      "A little croft we owned--a plot of corn,
      A garden stored with peas, and mint, and thyme,
      And flowers for posies, oft on Sunday morn
      Plucked while the church bells rang their earliest chime.
      Can I forget our freaks at shearing time!
      My hen's rich nest through long grass scarce espied;
      The cowslip-gathering in June's dewy prime;
      The swans that with white chests upreared in pride
      Rushing and racing came to meet me at the water-side.


      "The staff I well remember which upbore
      The bending body of my active sire;
      His seat beneath the honied sycamore
      Where the bees hummed, and chair by winter fire;
      When market-morning came, the neat attire
      With which, though bent on haste, myself I decked;
      Our watchful house-dog, that would tease and tire
      The stranger till its barking-fit I checked;
      The red-breast, known for years, which at my casement pecked.


      "The suns of twenty summers danced along,--
      Too little marked how fast they rolled away:
      But, through severe mischance and cruel wrong,
      My father's substance fell into decay:
      We toiled and struggled, hoping for a day
      When Fortune might put on a kinder look;
      But vain were wishes, efforts vain as they;
      He from his old hereditary nook
      Must part; the summons came;--our final leave we took.


      "It was indeed a miserable hour
      When, from the last hill-top, my sire surveyed,
      Peering above the trees, the steeple tower
      That on his marriage day sweet music made!
      Tilt then, he hoped his bones might there be laid
      Close by my mother in their native bowers:
      Bidding me trust in God, he stood and prayed;--
      I could not pray:--through tears that fell in showers
      Glimmered our dear-loved home, alas! no longer ours!


      "There was a Youth whom I had loved so long,
      That when I loved him not I cannot say:
      'Mid the green mountains many a thoughtless song
      We two had sung, like gladsome birds in May;
      When we began to tire of childish play,
      We seemed still more and more to prize each other;
      We talked of marriage and our marriage day;
      And I in truth did love him like a brother,
      For never could I hope to meet with such another.


      "Two years were passed since to a distant town
      He had repaired to ply a gainful trade:
      What tears of bitter grief, till then unknown!
      What tender vows, our last sad kiss delayed!
      To him we turned:--we had no other aid:
      Like one revived, upon his neck I wept;
      And her whom he had loved in joy, he said,
      He well could love in grief; his faith he kept;
      And in a quiet home once more my father slept.


      "We lived in peace and comfort; and were blest
      With daily bread, by constant toil supplied.
      Three lovely babes had lain upon my breast;
      And often, viewing their sweet smiles, I sighed,
      And knew not why. My happy father died,
      When threatened war reduced the children's meal:
      Thrice happy! that for him the grave could hide
      The empty loom, cold hearth, and silent wheel,
      And tears that flowed for ills which patience might not heal.








Flash - Queen


Flash a-ah
Savior of the Universe
Flash a-ah
He'll save every one of us

(Seemingly there is no reason for these extraordinary intergalactical upsets)
(Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha)
(What's happening Flash?)
(Only Doctor Hans Zarkhov, formerly at NASA, has provided any explanation)

Flash a-ah
He's a miracle

(This morning's unprecedented solar eclipse is no cause for alarm)

Flash a-ah
King of the impossible

He's for every one of us
Stand for every one of us
He save with a mighty hand
Every man, every woman
Every child, with a mighty

(General Kala, Flash Gordon approaching.)
(What do you mean Flash Gordon approaching? Open fire! All weapons! Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body)

Flash a-ah
(Gordon's alive!)

Flash a-ah
He'll save every one of us

Just a man
With a man's courage
You know he's
Nothing but a man
And he can never fail
No one but the pure at heart
May find the Golden Grail
...Oh..Oh........Oh..Oh ................

(Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!)