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God's Power to Change Your Life - Rick Warren

by e-bluespirit 2009. 5. 4.









God's Power to Change Your Life

- Rick Warren



But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

오직 성령의 열매는 사랑과 희락과 화평과 오래 참음과 자비와 양선과 충성과 온유와 절제니...

Galatians 갈라디아서 5:22~23 



1. The Power To Change Your Life


We can have resurrection power

- God's power will cancel our past.

- God's power will conquer our problems.

- God's power will change our personality.

God uses a process

Don't put it off

Why spend one more night with the frogs?

Open your heart to his love right now and let his transforming resurrection power become a reality in your life.



2. God's Part and My Part In Changing Me


It's a partnership.

The tools God uses

- God uses His Word.

- God uses His Spirit.

- God uses circumstances.

Choices that bring change

- We must choose our thoughts.

- We must depend on His Spirit.

- We must respond wisely to circumstances.

It takes time.

Accept your circumstances as a part of God's plan to change your life.

God wants to produce the fruit of the Spirit in your life.



3. Becoming A More Loving Person


Experience God's love.

Forgive your enemies.

Think loving thoughts.

Act in love.

Expect the best.

Experience God's resurrection power.

I love you unconditionally. I love you in spite of your imperfections. I love you in spite of your problems. I love you.

So pray for a resurrection, and coose to do what Jesus says: remember, repent, and take action.



4. The Choice To Rejoice!


It is a bad day when...

Joy is different. It goes deeper. Joy is an attitude, a choice. It is your choice to rejoice.

You can choose, regardless of the circumstances, to be joyful. Joy is what makes life--well--enjoyable.

We have hope.

God has a purpose for our lives.

God is with us.

Develop a spiritual workout.

- Develop the attitude of gratitude.

- Cultivate inner joy by giving.

- Develop inner joy through service.

- Developing inner joy is sharing Christ with others.

Joy comes from developing an attitude of gratitude and giving of our material possessions, our time, and our knowledge of the Good News.



5. Peaceful Living In An Uptight World.


You need three kinds of peac--spiritual peace, emotional peace, and relational peace.

Understand the promise of God's peace.

- Obey God's principles.

- Accept God's pardon.

- Focus on God's presence.

- Trust God's purpose.

- Ask for God's peace.

Pray this familiar prayer, called the Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.



6. Developing Your Patience


Test your patience

- Interruptions

- Inconveniences

- Irritations

- Inactivity

How to become a patient person

- Develop a new perspective.

- Acquire a sense of humor.

- Deepen your love.

- Depend on the Lord.

God is patient. If we are his children, we shoul bear the family likeness.

That is why the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives producing patience in us.

It is a part of the character of Christ.



7. Putting on A Little Kindness


Be sensitive.

Be supportive.

Be sympathetic.

Be straightforward.

Be spontaneous.

Be kind to someone this week.



8. Living The Good Life.


What is the good life?

The good life is a life filled with goodness being and doing good.

"Goodness" means fulfilling a purpose. It is being what God meant you to be.

Lasting self-esteem comes from doing good and being good. That is the purpose for which God made you.

We are not naturally good.

We must evaluate ourselves by God's perfect standard of goodness, Jesus Christ.

When we do that, we realize the truth that no one is perfectly good.

Our goodness is a gift from God.

God solved the problem of my old selfish nature by giving me a new Christlike nature.

Learning to do good.

- Master your Bible.

- Guard your mind.

- Develop convictions.

- Muster the courage to be different.

- Meet with other believers.

Use your influence for God and for good in your world this week.



9. The one Who Can Be Counted on



To be faithful means to be reliable, trustworthy, dependable, consistent.

Keep your promises.

Honor your marriage.

Use your talents.

Make the most of your time.

Stand by your friends.

Manage your money.

Do your best at work.

Commit yourself to a church.

God will honor your faithfulness.



10. A Gentle Approach


Be understanding, not demanding.

Be gracious, not judgemental.

Be tender without surrender.

Be teachable, not unreachable.

Be an actor, not a reactor.

Be respectful.

One of the positive benefits of becoming gentler is a more relaxed lifestyle.

Gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit.



11. Developing Self-Control


Admit your problem.

Put your past behind you.

Talk back to your feelings.

Believe you can change.

Make yourself accountable.

Avoid temptation.

Depend on Christ's power.

Let the Spirit direct your life--that's the first part--and you will not satisfy the desires of the human nature.

The secret of self-control is Christ's control.

Remember, Christ provides the power to change your life.



12. A Productive Life


Cultivate roots.

Eliminate weeds.

Cooperate with God.

Wait for the harvest.


Bow your head in prayer and tell God you want to cooperate with his growth plan for you.

He will provide the power to change your life.