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Luise Rinser

by e-bluespirit 2006. 7. 17.



Luise Rinser

(1911 - 2002)
Writer and Politician: 1911-2002

In 1911, Luise Rinser was born in a small town in Oberbayern (southern part of Bavaria) and there attended the "Gymnasium." After her graduation, she studied Psychology and Pedagogy. After 1935, she worked as an elementary school teacher, from which she resigned, because she didn't want to work for the NSDAP party. In 1941, she published her first work, entitled "Die gläsernen Ringe," upon which she was imprisoned. In 1944 she was sentenced to death for high treason and military demoralization. However, the sentence couldn't be carried out due to the liberation by the Americans.


From 1945-1953, she worked for the "Neue Zeitung" in Munich and published books, such as "Mitte des Lebens" and "Daniela." In the following years, she published works, such as "Die vollkommene Freude," "Mirjam," "Abaelards Liebe," and "Bruder Esel."


In 1977, Luise Rinser received the "Bundesverdienstkreuz," a distinguished service medal, and in 1984, she was nominated by the party "Die Grünen" for the President of the Federal Republic against Richard von Weizsäcker.





 Schriftstellerin und Politikerin: 1911-2002



Luise Rinser wurde 1911 in einem kleinen Dorf in Oberbayern geboren und besuchte dort das Gymnasium. Nach ihrem Abitur studierte sie Psychologie und Pädagogik und arbeitete ab 1935 als Volksschullehrerin, was sie aber aufgab, da sie nicht für die NSDAP arbeiten wollte. 1941 veröffentlichte sie ihr erstes Werk "Die gläsernen Ringe", woraufhin sie eingesperrt wurde. 1944 wurde sie wegen Hochverrats und Wehrkrafzersetzung zum Tode verurteilt, was jedoch durch die Befreiung der Amerikaner nicht vollstreckt werden konnte.


Von 1945-1953 war sie "freie Mitarbeiterin für die Neue Zeitung in München" und veröffentlichte Bücher wie "Mitte des Lebens" und "Daniela". In den darauffolgenden Jahren publizierte sie Werke wie beispielsweise "Die vollkommene Freude", "Mirjam", "Abaelards Liebe" und "Bruder Esel".

1977 wurde Luise Rinser das Bundesverdienstkreuz überreicht und 1984 wurde sie von den Grünen "für das Amt des Bundespräsidenten gegen Richard von Weizsäcker vorgeschlagen".






Luise Rinser was born in Landsberg at the Lech in the quarter Pitzling and studied in Munich Pädagogik and psychology. After the exam she worked since 1935 as a helping out teacher on different Upper Bavarian schools. It refused the entrance into the NSDAP and forestalled 1939 of the dismissal from the school service by own notice. It received a write prohibition by the Nazis. 1944 were denunziert it arrested because of alleged “military force decomposition” and prevented, their execution allegedly only by the end of war. It describes their experiences in the woman Mrs. trusting stone in its “prison diary” from 1946. You admit become praise poem on Adolf Hitler related however the picture of a Widerstandskämpferin drawn by it. Their first man and father of their two sons, who are composer and a Kapellmeister Hans Günther fast 1943 in the Russia campaign please. Afterwards it was received a fictitious marriage with the homosexual communist writer Klaus gentleman man. 1945 to 1953 were it free woman employee with „the new newspaper “in Munich.


1954 married it the composer Carl Orff. This marriage became however already 1959 again divorced. In the connection it maintained closer friendships with the composer Isang Yun, with the abbott of a monastery as well as with the theologian Karl Rahner. Rinser lived alternating at its Zweitwohnsitz in Rocca di Papa with Rome, where she was appointed also the honour citizen, and in close proximity to Munich.


Rinser interfered actively into the political and social discussion in Germany, supported Willy Brandt 1968 on its election campaign journeys, demonstrated with the writer Heinrich Boell against the armament of the Federal Republic of Germany and became a sharp Kritikerin of the catholic church, which did not leave her however. In the second Vatikani council it participated as an accredited lady journalist. 1972 to 1975 bereiste it the Soviet Union, the Southern States of the USA, Spain, India, Indonesia and South Korea. It engaged itself for the end of the prohibition of the abortion and for the abolishment abortion paragraphs § 218 in the form at that time. It was a prominent voice of the link catholicism in such a way specified in the Federal Republic of Germany. 1984 were suggested it for the Greens as a candidate for the office of the Federal President, were subject however to Richard of Weizsäcker clearly (S. Federal President choice 1984).









1940 appeared their first novel the gläsernen rings, which was forbidden after the second edition. 1945 to 1958 worked it as a lady journalist and published several novels.

By a religious-socialist conviction it engaged itself also politically, for which it was violently criticized. Admits became it in particular due to its relatively uncritical affinity for the totalitarian dictatorship in North Korea and the there person cult around Kim IL-sung.



Honors and honours



Works (in selection)

  • The gläsernen rings (childhood stories). Frankfurt/Main: S. Fischer, 1991. 187 S. ISBN 3-10-066047-1
  • January Lobel from Warsaw (1948/2001)
  • Center of the life (novel, 1950)
  • Daniela (novel, 1952)
  • The scapegoat (novel, 1954)
  • Adventure of the virtue (1957)
  • Go away, if you can (narration, 1959)
  • The perfect joy (1962)
  • I am Tobias (novel, 1966)
  • The black donkey (novel, 1974)
  • The red cat (narrations, 1981)
  • NorthKorean travel diary (report on a journey, 1981)
  • The wolf embrace (autobiography, 1981)
  • Mirjam (novel, 1983)
  • Abaelards love (novel, 1991)
  • Saturn on the sun (Autobiografie, 1994)
  • Burr migration. Letters of the friendship at Karl Rahner (1994)
  • Sympathy as way to the peace (1995)
  • Brother fire (novel, 2001)




  • Gudrun Gill: The utopia hope with Luise Rinser. A sozio psychological study. New York and others: Long 1991. (= American university studies; Ser. 1; Germanic LANGUAGEs and of literatures; 92) ISBN 0-8204-1366-6
  • Stephanie Grollman: The picture of the “different one” in the diaries and reports on a journey Luise Rinsers. Peppering castle: King living and Neumann 2000. (= Epistemata; Literature science lines up; 322) ISBN 3-8260-1853-2
  • Thomas plumb bob ago: The debt problem in Luise Rinsers literary work. Frankfurt/Main and others: Long 1991. (= Würzburger university writings to newer German literature history; 13) ISBN 3-631-43866-4
  • Selma Polat: Luise Rinsers way to the mystischen Religiosität. Faith arise from experience. With an interview. Münster: Lit 2001. (= literature - media - religion; 2) ISBN 3-8258-2536-1
  • Luise Rinser, materials to lives and work, hrsgg. v. Hans Ruediger Schwab. Frankfurt/Main: Fischer. 1986. (= Fischer TB; 5973) ISBN 3-596-25973-8





