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전체 글2655

1990-1994: The genocide and war in Rwanda Rwanda Background In 1959, three years before independence from Belgium, the majority ethnic group, the Hutus, overthrew the ruling Tutsi king. Over the next several years, thousands of Tutsis were killed, and some 150,000 driven into exile in neighboring countries. The children of these exiles later formed a rebel group, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), and began a civil war in 1990. The war.. 2006. 2. 25.
The Heartless Lovers of Humankind The Heartless Lovers of Humankind by Paul Johnson I believe the reflective portion of mankind is divided into two groups: those who are interested in people and care about them; and those who are interested in ideas. The first group forms the pragmatists and tends to make the best statesmen. The second is the intellectuals; and if their attachment to ideas is passionate, and not only passionate.. 2006. 2. 23.
Disparate Conservative Assessments of Bush http://www.joe-ks.com/archives_mar2005/WhiteHousePhone.htm Books of The Times | 'Rebel in Chief' and 'Impostor' Disparate Conservative Assessments of Bush Left: Fox News Channel; Right: Van Riper Photography Left: Fred Barnes; Right: Bruce Bartlett. REBEL IN CHIEF Inside the Bold and Controversial Presidency of George W. Bush By FRED BARNES 220 pages. Crown Forum. $23.95. IMPOSTOR How George W... 2006. 2. 21.
[스크랩] Pisces (Febuary 20 to March 20) This is a celestial map of the constellation Pisces, the Fishes. The Fishes Febuary 20 to March 20 Traditional Pisces Traits Imaginative and sensitive Compassionate and kind Selfless and unworldly Intuitive and sympathetic On the dark side.... Escapist and idealistic Secretive and vague Weak-willed and easily led Pisces! About Your Sign... Pisces, Pisceans possess a gentle, patient, malleable n.. 2006. 2. 20.
주홍글씨 The Scarlet Letter 2004 The Scarlet Letter 2004 이은주 李恩朱 - Only when I sleep You're only just a dreamboat Sailing in my head You swim my secret oceans Of coral blue and red Your smell is incense burning Your touch is silken yet It reaches through my skin And moving from within It clutches at my breast But it's only when I sleep See you in my dreams You got me spinning round and round Turning upside-down But.. 2006. 2. 19.
Lullaby by W. H. Auden Lullaby by W. H. Auden Lay your sleeping head, my love, Human on my faithless arm; Time and fevers burn away Individual beauty from Thoughtful children, and the grave Proves the child ephemeral: But in my arms till break of day Let the living creature lie, Mortal, guilty, but to me The entirely beautiful. Soul and body have no bounds: To lovers as they lie upon Her tolerant enchanted slope In t.. 2006. 2. 18.
A Short Defense of Poetry by W. H. Auden A Short Defense of Poetry By W. H. Auden The following address was given at a round-table conference on 'Tradition and Innovation in Contemporary Literature' at the International PEN Conference in Budapest, in October 1967. ..... Poetry is speech at its most personal, the most intimate of dialogues. A poem does not come to life until a reader makes his response to the words written by the poet... 2006. 2. 18.
from one of my best sis-friend and... This is from... one of my best sis-friend... just like theses drawings... cute shapes of ours... She was sick... for a while... I was hoping her to get well soon... and... She's better now^^ We've been... for long time... able to read each other's mind... talking about so many things together... It's so precious to have our companionships... in our lives... Although the craziness may have settle.. 2006. 2. 16.
[스크랩] Happy Valentine's Day! '); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('Macromedia Flash Player is required for this presentation. Please click on the image below to install the Flash Player and come back to revisit us. '); document.write(' '); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } else if (flash_plugin && parseInt(flash_plugin.description.substring(flash_plugin.description.indexOf(.. 2006. 2. 14.
Star - Derek Walcott Star by Derek Walcott If, in the light of things, you fade real, yet wanly withdrawn to our determined and appropriate distance, like the moon left on all night among the leaves, may you invisibly delight this house; O star, doubly compassionate, who came too soon for twilight, too late for dawn, may your pale flame direct the worst in us through chaos with the passion of plain day from Aspen t.. 2006. 2. 13.
Tiger Woods Learning Center & AT&T Pebble Beach Pro Am With Clinton at his side, Woods opens his learning center Chris Carlson / Associated Press PGA golfer Tiger Woods, right, gets applause from former President Bill Clinton at the opening of the Tiger Woods Learning Center in Anaheim, Calif., Friday, Feb. 10, 2006. By DOUG FERGUSON, AP Golf Writer February 11, 2006 ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) -- Tiger Woods called it the best day of his career, and he n.. 2006. 2. 13.
Not A Stoic But An Aficionado of RAIN/Rain/Bi- I'm Coming Not A Stoic But An Aficionado of RAIN Even a stoic cannot tolerate Jon Pareles's Pop Music Review, “Korean Superstar Who Smiles and Says, 'I'm Lonely,'” published on Arts section in New York Times on Feb. 4, 2006. This article is about “RAINY DAY in New York,” the concert at the Madison Square Garden on Feb. 2 and 3, 2006. As an aficionado of RAIN, I have enthusiastic challenge to respo.. 2006. 2. 11.