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若 烹 小 鮮 약팽소선 若 烹 小 鮮 … 교수들 선정 올 사자성어 대학교수들은 올해 소망을 담은 사자성어로 약팽소선(若烹小鮮)을 선정했다고 교수신문이 2일 밝혔다. 약팽소선은 ‘노자(老子)’ 60장에 나오는 글귀로 원문은 ‘치대국약팽소선(治大國若烹小鮮)’이다. 큰 나라를 다스리는 것은 작은 생선을 삶는 것과 같다.. 2006. 1. 4.
[스크랩] The people we love... The people we love... '); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('Macromedia Flash Player is required for this presentation. Please click on the image below to install the Flash Player and come back to revisit us. '); document.write(' '); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } else if (flash_plugin && parseInt(flash_plugin.description.substring(flash_plugi.. 2006. 1. 2.
[스크랩] Dear Friends... Dear Friends... You Are on the Way to So Many Wonderful Things in the Year to Come Welcome to the New Year! I hope... it will be the happiest you've ever known, and that it will be a year filled with dreams come true. This is such a perfect time to think of wishes you want to turn into realities and goals you want to reach. It takes a lot to set your sights on a distant horizon and to keep on r.. 2006. 1. 2.
blue sky & blue sea... with blue spirit... Mother... who's nobly born... as dazzling brilliant clear light... emanating from her... unified into origin... attaining eternal liberty... I love you... mom... 2005. 12. 31.
March of the Penguins (2005) March of the Penguins (2005) Each winter, alone in the pitiless ice deserts of Antarctica, deep in the most inhospitable terrain on Earth, a truly remarkable journey takes place as it has done for millennia. Emperor penguins in their thousands abandon the deep blue security of their ocean home and clamber onto the frozen ice to begin their long journey into a region so bleak, so extreme, it sup.. 2005. 12. 30.
리상호와 한국고전 리상호와 한국고전 서점에 ‘청구영언’ 을 사러 갔지만 그 책이 없었다. 우리 문학의 국보적인 시조집 ‘청구영언’ 이 서점에 없다는 것이 놀라웠다. 대신 ‘해동가요’ 를 찾아봐도 역시 없었다. 점원이 컴퓨터를 한참 두들기더니 며칠 후 ‘청구영언선’ 이라는 책을 대신 보내왔다. 편자가 ‘리.. 2005. 12. 29.
[스크랩] 본글을 스크랩 해 주시면 1,000원씩 기부금이 적립됩니다 3시간마다 업데이트  출처 : 블로그 > 구세군자선냄비 | 글쓴이 : 사랑나누미 [원문보기] 2005. 12. 28.
Memoirs of a Geisha (2005) Memoirs of a Geisha (2005) In the years before World War II, a Japanese child is torn from her penniless family to work as a geisha house. Despite a treacherous rival who nearly breaks her spirit, the girl blossoms into the legendary geisha Sayuri. Beautiful and accomplished, Sayuri captivates the most powerful men of her day, but is haunted by her secret love for the one man beyond her reach. .. 2005. 12. 28.
White Mist... Happy White Christmas Eve... With Sun Light... White Waves and Mild Wind... made White Mist... ... Happy White Christmas Eve... Days so glowing, dreams so bright... Hours so joyful, hearts so light... A world that's filled with happy things... How sweet the gift that Christmas brings... from Pebble Beach with LOVE http://www.newwave.or.kr/ccm/christmas1-winkorea21.wmv Merry Christmas 성탄절 아침이야 언니~ 미국.. 2005. 12. 25.
Walk the Line (2005) walk the line Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash and Reese Witherspoon as June Carter in 20th Century Fox's Walk the Line - 2005 In 1955, a tough, skinny guitar-slinger who called himself J.R. Cash walked into the soon-to-be-famous Sun Studios in Memphis. It was a moment that would have an indelible effect on American culture. With his driving freight-train chords, steel-eyed intensity and a voice .. 2005. 12. 23.
갈매기의 꿈 --> http://www.akyangm.net 2005. 12. 22.
[스크랩] Native American Ten Commandments NATIVE AMERICAN TEN COMMANDMENTS  Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect. Remain close to the Great (Creator) Spirit. Show great respect for your fellow beings. Work together for the benefit of all mankind. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed. Do what you know to be right. Look after the well-being of mind and body. Dedicate a share of your effort.. 2005. 12. 22.