이화여자대학교5 The International Foundation for Ewha Womans University Ewha was founded by a Methodist missionary called Mary F. Scranton in 1886.Mrs. Scranton's first-year class consisted of a single student.But while polite society mocked the idea of trying to teach females anything other than the art of serving husband and son, King Kojong gave the enterprise his blessing.It was King Kojong who gave the school its name in 1887, and "Ewha" means "Pear Blossoms."T.. 2018. 12. 21. Ewha Womans University 2004 | 2008 Ewha Womans University Seoul, Korea international competition built project The establishment of a campus center for about 20 000 students: - academic program: learning and sport-term project space, libraries, cafeteria - administration - commercial area: cinema, theatre, shops as well as external sporting spaces and car parks (20 000 m²). Above and below the land previously occup.. 2011. 2. 13. The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 1: A Brief History of Korea The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots 1: A Brief History of Korea Author: Shin Hyong Sik Publisher: Ewha Womans University Press Pub. Date: Mar. 2005 Hardcover: 141 pages Dimensions (in inches): 7.4 x 5.2 x 0.55 Published as part of an ambitious, years-long project by Ewha Womans University Press to publish a total of 50 books on Korean culture and arts - both in Korean and English - these Englis.. 2007. 3. 5. 최재천 교수 “개미처럼… 학문제국 세워야죠” 최재천 교수 “개미처럼… 학문제국 세워야죠” 이화여대 종합과학관 B-365 ‘통섭원’이라 이름 붙인 연구실에서 최재천 석좌교수는 “21세기는 학문의 경계를 허물고 범학문적 접근, 통섭을 해야 한다”고 말했다. 김재명 기자 “침팬지가 유전적으로 사람과 가장 가깝지만 인간과 가장 비슷한 짓을.. 2006. 8. 22. '황금보다 귀한 보물, 사발' 이화여자대학교박물관기획 '황금보다 귀한 보물, 사발' (三國時代 토기) 2005년 4월 1일(금) ▶ 6월 26일(일) 영암도기문화센터 (www.gurim.org) 523-853 전라남도 영암군 군서면 서구림리 354 tel.061-470-2566 fax.061-470-2766 (高麗 靑瓷사발) □ 개 막 식 : 2005년 4월 1일(금) 오후 2시 개막행사|죽사발잔치 □ 전시기간 .. 2005. 3. 27. 이전 1 다음