Critical Thinking27 The Lottery - Shirley Jackson The Lottery Shirley Jackson’s essay, “The Lottery” is a pessimistic literature that makes me think about today’s society deeply in a serious matter. I didn’t like the essay at first because I was dubious about what the writer was trying to tell us. I thought “The Lottery” is just evasive way to describe the lottery process about a weird village until the end, revealing the lottery winner is ston.. 2003. 12. 30. Appointment with Love Appointment with Love S. I. Kishor’s short story, “Appointment with Love” is about a blind date between a soldier and a mystery woman writing to each other for thirteen months but never seeing or hearing the voice of each other. Lieutenant Blandford longed for her since he felt love through her faithful letters that encouraged him when he desperately needed one. Miss Hollis Meynell wrote .. 2003. 12. 28. The Leg of Lamb/Calling Dr. Death - Reading Notes The Leg of Lamb Roald Dahl’s short story, “The Leg of Lamb” is a mystery story that a wife murdered her husband with the big frozen leg of lamb that they would have for supper. After Mary Maloney killed her husband, Patrick, she put the frozen leg of lamb into oven and went to grocers for vegetables. She called police to report her husband’s death so whole detective crew came to her house. They .. 2003. 12. 22. 이전 1 2 3 다음