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Korean Cultural Center6

LAST for ONE The Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles(KCCLA) & Chaos Theory Music co-present the B-boy Workshop with LAST FOR ONE(http://www.lastforone.co.kr), internationally renowned and award winning Korean hip-hop dance troup. The workshop will be an opportunity for those interested in learning the art of B-boy dancing from basic technique to more advanced moves on August 18, 2010, 7:30 p.m., at the Kore.. 2010. 8. 8.
KOREA 21 Music Here & Now KCCLA 30th Anniversary Gala Performance Series KOREA 21: MUSIC HERE & NOW A Special Concert of 21st Century Korean Contemporary Traditional Music - Date/Time: Saturday, April 24th, 2010 at 7:30pm - Place: Nate Holden Performing Art Center 4718 West Washington Blvd. LA, CA 90016 - RSVP/Info: tammy@kccla.org or 323-936-3015 The Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism proudly presents the s.. 2010. 4. 18.
Celebrating Past and Future of Korea - LACMA Late Night Event The Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles is proud to sponsor LACMA Late Night Event celebrating Past and Future of Korea. Coming up on Saturday, September 12th, LACMA¡¯s Late Night Art and Muse ¡®til Midnight join forces to give life to Korea: Future/Past. The ambitious program celebrates both Your Bright Future: 12 Contemporary Artists from Korea and the re-opening of LACMA¡¯s perma.. 2009. 9. 10.
Five: Korean Young Artists - Korean Cultural Center WHAT: Five: Korean Young Artists WHEN: July 10-23, 2009, OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, July 10, 2009 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Korean Cultural Center Art Gallery, 5505 Wilshire Blvd. A. 90036, Mon-Fri : 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Sat. 10:00a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) In order to further promote and strengthen Korean art, Director Kim, Jaewon of the Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles will hold an exhibition from 7/.. 2009. 7. 11.
Songs of Korea - Korean Performing Arts Showcase Series 2 Korean Performing Arts Showcase Series 2 "Songs of Korea" -Date/Time: February 6th at 7:30 pm -Place: 3rd Floor, Korean Cultural Center - Monthly series of Concert with different Korean Music and Dance This month program is including Ensemble(Pyungjo Hoe Sang), Gagok(Lyric song: Unrak and Pyun Rak), Salpuri Dance, Folk Song, Komungo duet, etc. -RSVP/info: 323-936-7141 ext 123 or tammy@kccla.org.. 2009. 2. 1.
NamKung Kyoung - WITHOUT BOUNDARY Cross 7.42 Kyoung Namkung      " WITHOUT BOUNDARY "  The 40th Annual Exhibition  of Korean Artists Association of Southern California Aug. 1 - 16, 2008 Artist Reception    Aug.1   6 pm -8 pm Korean Cultural Center - Los Angeles      최성호의 판화 작품 ‘Landscape’(16”X 22”)남가주 한인 미술가협회(회장 손영숙)가 8월1일 부터 16일까지 LA한국 문화원에서 정기 전시회를 갖는다. 올해로 40회를 맞이하는 이번 전시회는 '불혹의 나이'에 걸맞게 회원 각자의 개성이 두드러지고 확고한 신념이 묻어나는 작품전이다.참.. 2008. 8. 7.