LeaderShip15 The Yin of Inner Leadership - 結 び musubi The Yin of Inner Leadership 陰 yin literally, "the female principle" 2. Centering, Presence, and Process 結 び musubi literally, "to bind" or "to connect"; "the connection that binds us together" the energy flow that binds us—and all of life—together Analyzing others is knowledge. Knowing yourself is wisdom. Managing others requires skill. Mastering yourself takes inner s.. 2007. 1. 24. The Yin of Inner Leadership - 殘 心 Zanshin The Yin of Inner Leadership 陰 yin literally, "the female principle" 1. Zanshin 殘 心 zanshin literally, "the spirit stays or lingers" The term means connection, the ability to extend our energies outward to create new harmonies. The Tao is an empty vessel, Infinitely useful, The source of then thousand things. It blunts all sharpness, Unties all knots, Softens the light, And blends with the.. 2007. 1. 17. The Tao of Personal Leadership The Tao of Personal Leadership 道 tao or do literally, "the way," "the path," or "the principle" This character is made up of the symbol for "leader," based upon the ancient Chines ideogram for the human head, together with the symbol for "to walk." The root meaning of this famous character is clearly mindfulness in action, and enduring ideal for today's leaders. Introduction 始 haji literall.. 2007. 1. 10. 이전 1 2 다음