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On Planet Earth... Love, The Only Hope To Solve Global Problems On Planet Earth Love, The Only Hope To Solve Global Problems A massive environmental crisis could lead our planet earth into a major catastrophe. Twenty-eight named storms and fifteen hurricanes including Katrina, Rita, and Wilma in 2005, for example, had destructed in the U.S. that more than 1,700 were killed and more than $100 billion worth of damages were extensively devastated (Crowley). Fo.. 2007. 7. 22.
[스크랩] An Inconvenient Truth (2006) Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced. If that sounds like a recipe for serious gloom and do.. 2007. 7. 21.
Reflections of Spiritual Ideas - Essay Reflections of Spiritual Ideas Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness is Edward Abbey’s narrative of his inner voice while he was working as a park ranger at Arches National Monument in Utah. It is written in straight-forward speaking from his uncompromising viewpoint, yet it contains significant spiritual ideas in both A World Of Idears and English romantic Poetry reflected in Buddha.. 2005. 4. 14.
Desert Solitaire A Season in the Wilderness - Edward Abbey Desert Solitaire A Season in the Wilderness Edward Abbey Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness ANNOTATION The classic drama of a year alone as a ranger in a national park. "This book may well seem like a ride on a bucking bronco."--New York Times Book Review FROM THE PUBLISHER When Desert Solitaire was first published in 1968, it became the focus of a nationwide cult. Rude and sensitive... 2005. 4. 9.
Analysis of Abbey’s thesis in “Desert Solitaire" - Essay Analysis of Abbey’s Thesis in Desert Solitaire – A Season in the Wilderness To analyze Abbey’s thesis in Desert Solitaire, “Cowboys and Indians: Part II” directs my attention to his idea. In fact, Abbey physically stated his thesis in this chapter, “There is no mystery; there is only paradox, the incontrovertible union of contradictory truths” (124). Abbey illustrates his .. 2005. 3. 26.
Desert Solitaire - Edward Abbey Edward Abbey He was a hero to environmentalists and the patron saint of monkeywrenchers, a man in love with desert solitude. A supposed misogynist, ornery and contentious, he nevertheless counted women among his closest friends and admirers. He attracted a cult following, but he was often uncomfortable with it. He was a writer who wandered far from Home without really starting.. 2005. 3. 21.
Desert Solitaire - Questions/Analysis 16 March 2005 EDWARD ABBEY DESERT SOLITAIRE – A Season in the Wilderness Discussion Points 1. What is the tone of the narrative? (See “tone” in LB 32, 116, and 127) The tone combines rational appeals to reader’s capacities for logical reasoning with emotional appeals to readers’ beliefs and feelings. Ultimately, these tones contribute to ethical appeal, and so does acknowledgi.. 2005. 3. 21.
Nature Fights Back, RACHEL CARSON 14 March 2005 RACHEL CARSON Nature Fights Back Questions for Critical Reading: 1. Carson’s argument appeals on its Logos, Pathos, and Ethos Logos: The greatest damage done to the environment by well-intentioned people who were unaware of the devastation they caused. The insect populations affected by sprays reveal that there is on clear way to use chemical insecticides without upsetting the bala.. 2005. 3. 16.
THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (2004) "We've known for some time that we have to worry about the impacts of climate change on our children's and grandchildren's generations. But we now have to worry about ourselves as well." -- Margaret Beckett, British Secretary of State for Environment (April, 2002) "To me the question of the environment is more ominous than that of peace and war...I'm more worried about global warming than I am .. 2004. 5. 31.
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Rachel Carson's Silent Spring : A Brief History of Ecology as a Subversive Subject Gary Kroll Assistant Professor of History Plattsburgh State University at NY In the late 1960s Paul Shepard, a human ecologist and philosopher, wrote the introduction for Subversive Science - a book that offered an interdisciplinary perspective on what was then termed "the ecological crisis. " Shepard noted that .. 2004. 4. 14.
칼럼소개 특 49 호> "오정환의 환경이야기" 땅에대한 윤리 땅을 자기 것이라고 우기는 동물 좋은 호모사피엔스뿐이다. 물론 다른 동물들도 자기영역을 표시하긴 한다. 그러나 땅에 번호를 매기고 등기를 할 뿐아니라 사고 팔기까지 하는 동물은 인간밖에 없다. 이해가 가지 않는다. 도대체 지구 위에서 인간이 살기 시작한 게 얼마나 되었단 말인.. 2001. 9. 3.
Walden - Henry David Thoreau 숲속에는 영원한 젊음이 있고, 이 신의 농장 안에서는 예의와 신성이 지배하고 영원한 축제가 마련되어 있다. 숲속에서 우리는 진실과 믿음으로 돌아간다. 땅에 맨발로 서서 머리를 상쾌한 공기로 적시고 무한한 공간으로 치켜들면, 모든 옹졸한 이기심은 사라진다. 나는 투명한 눈망울이 된다. 나는 .. 2001. 6. 20.