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[스크랩] The people we love... The people we love... '); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write('Macromedia Flash Player is required for this presentation. Please click on the image below to install the Flash Player and come back to revisit us. '); document.write(' '); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } else if (flash_plugin && parseInt(flash_plugin.description.substring(flash_plugi.. 2006. 1. 2.
[스크랩] Dear Friends... Dear Friends... You Are on the Way to So Many Wonderful Things in the Year to Come Welcome to the New Year! I hope... it will be the happiest you've ever known, and that it will be a year filled with dreams come true. This is such a perfect time to think of wishes you want to turn into realities and goals you want to reach. It takes a lot to set your sights on a distant horizon and to keep on r.. 2006. 1. 2.
White Mist... Happy White Christmas Eve... With Sun Light... White Waves and Mild Wind... made White Mist... ... Happy White Christmas Eve... Days so glowing, dreams so bright... Hours so joyful, hearts so light... A world that's filled with happy things... How sweet the gift that Christmas brings... from Pebble Beach with LOVE http://www.newwave.or.kr/ccm/christmas1-winkorea21.wmv Merry Christmas 성탄절 아침이야 언니~ 미국.. 2005. 12. 25.
Announcing the arrival of Isabella Reyna Povenmire McPeck Announcing the arrival of Isabella Reyna Povenmire McPeck Born 11:26 AM on 11/26/05 19 inches long from head to foot. 3.4 kilos (about 7 1/2 pounds but the camera adds five). Mom and baby are both doing great. she was before... from... Hope this announcement finds all of you well. Best fishes, Dan and Clarissa p.s. I'm playing 11 and 26 next time I'm in Vegas...^^ Your new born baby Is a blessi.. 2005. 12. 21.
the funny thing is... - Ellen DeGeneres the funny thing is... by elle degeneres Publisher Comments: Ellen DeGeneres published her first book of comic essays, the #1 bestselling My Point...and I Do Have One, way back in 1996. Not one to rest on her laurels, the witty star of stage and screen has since dedicated her life to writing a hilarious new book. That book is this book. After years of painstaking, round-the-clock research, survi.. 2005. 6. 23.
CPC's reunion at SF Giants Game on 06112005 Hey~~~ wally G., Danny, Alan, Monique, on the other side of seats... Steve, Stacy, wally B., Kenny, Aliana, Angel, Benny... just right before SF Giants game... at BUCCA... uh... Something... Italian restaurant... We had... of course... Appetizer first... Large Calamary.... with... spirit... was it just me??? ... ㅎㅎ Large family pizza (a lot of mushrooms... my favorite^^)... shrimp scampi..... 2005. 6. 13.
[스크랩] http://www.blueufo.com http://www.blueufo.com 2005. 3. 28.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day and... Valentine's Day Quotations It's Valentine's Day. That means it's time to dust off your romantic side. Let out all that poetry you've kept hidden inside for far too long. Be the sweet talker you were meant to be. Or...you could take the easy way out. Use one of these romantic quotes to sign your Valentine card or to impress a special someone face to face. You'll likely find at least one that say.. 2005. 2. 14.
친구 朋友 Friend (2001) At a time when students had to fasten their collars and crease their slacks till they're razor sharp, these four friends strutted around in their own custom-fashioned uniforms. They walked the streets with their heads held high, shoulders straight, and chests out, fearing nothing when they were together. Joon-suk, a son of a vigilant gang boss; Dong-su, the only son of an undertaker; Sang-taek,.. 2005. 1. 18.
"New Year Thoughts and Memories of Vali Moezzi" "New Year Thoughts and Memories of Vali Moezzi" Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 21:34:12 -0800 by Wally Gordon 쓰나미도 못꺾은 인간의 의지 지난해 12월 26일 인도네시아 아체 주 해변에서 지진해일에 휩쓸린 뒤 9일간 인도양에서 표류하던 리잘 샤푸트라 씨가 3일 말레이시아 화물선을 향해 필사적으로 손을 흔들고 있다(위). 배로 끌어.. 2005. 1. 6.
ECHO 2004 www.myspace.com/echobluespirit ECHO 2004 2004. 12. 10.
DA VINCI CODE - Dan Brown 소설 ‘다빈치 코드’ 속 ‘최후의 만찬’ 둘러싼 논쟁 레오나르도 다빈치의 ‘최후의 만찬’에는 과연 어떤 비밀이 숨어있을까. 소설 ‘다빈치 코드’는 이 그림에 예수의 결혼이라는, 금기시됐던 소재가 담겨 있다고 주장한다. -동아일보 자료사진 소설 ‘다빈치 코드’에서 여주인공 소피 느뵈는 .. 2004. 12. 2.