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Believe: The Words and Inspiration of Archbishop Desmond Tutu A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry. It gives a chance, an opportunity, to choose well or to choose badly. If we have loved well while we were alive, there is life after death here—our live will go on for generations. I'm coming to believe more and more in the truth that everything we do has consequences. A good deed doesn't just evaporate and disappear. To forgive is not.. 2010. 10. 10.
Jesus And Buddha The Parallel Sayings - Marcus Borg Jesus And Buddha The Parallel Sayings Edited by Marcus Borg Introduction by Jack Kornfield The Parallel Sayings, Parallel sayings, Parallel Lives Compassion Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6.31 Consider others s yourself. Dhammapada 10.1 If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also. Luke 6.29 If anyone should give you a blow with his hand, with a stick, or with a.. 2010. 9. 7.
Being Wise in Your Relationships Being Wise in Your Relationships "But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace-loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness" (James 3:17-18). Every person you know is unique. Each one is .. 2009. 5. 24.
Proverbs 잠언 8 ~ 12 장 잠언 8장 입니다. 7장에 나오는 음녀는 어두운 곳에서 은밀하게 자기의 일을 도모합니다. 그러나 8장에 나오는 지혜는 길가 높은 곳, 네거리, 성문 곁, 문 어귀, 여러 사람이 출입하는 문에서 사람들을 부르며 소리를 높입니다 (1-3절). 무엇을 위해서 입니까? 우리의 행복을 위해서 입니다. 1. 우리는 지혜.. 2009. 5. 16.
Proverbs 잠언 3 ~ 7 장 잠언 3 장은 우리에게 '가장 행복한 사람' 에 대해서 가르쳐 주고 있습니다. 1. 하나님의 명령을 따라 행하는 사람 입니다.(1-10절) 그분의 명령을 따라 살려면 먼저 그분의 명령이 무엇인지 알아야 합니다. 그 분의 명령은 먼 곳에 있는 것이 아닙니다. 우리에게 성경을 주셨습니다. 그분의 명령은 다 거.. 2009. 5. 10.
How to Resolve Conflict with Your Spouse - Rick Warren How to Resolve Conflict with Your Spouse by Rick Warren You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. James 4:2 Sometimes the biggest conflicts in marriage are over the most trivial issues. If you’re going to pull together when you’re pulled apart, you have to: Call on God for help. Pray about it. Before you go to your spouse about the problem, discuss it with God. Thi.. 2008. 10. 22.
Prayer Opens Door Prayer Opens Door Prayer opens the door to heaven. Prayer is the key to heaven. Prayer is knocking on its door. It opens the door to a storage room full of riches. The mystery of prayer is this; that at its very moment, wonderful events occur. Heaven opens and angels join in accord. It opens God's ears and causes His hands to move. When we pray, God initiates favor on our behalf. Prayer opens t.. 2008. 9. 24.
FAMILY / If I have... F A M I L Y I ran into a stranger as he passed by, "Oh excuse me please" was my reply. He said, "Please excuse me too; I wasn't watching for you." We were very polite, this stranger and I. We went on our way and we said goodbye. But at home a different story is told, How we treat our loved ones, young and old. 내 손에 연필 한 자루 있다면 그것은 희망입니다. 그 연필로 글.. 2007. 3. 30.
Meditation with Cherry-Blossom & Dewdrops on Spiderweb Like a frontier fortress, guarded inside & out, guard yourself. Don't let the moment pass by. Those for whom the moment is past grieve, consigned to hell. -Dhammapada, 22 Actions motivated by attachment, aversion, or ignorance, regardless of any external appearances, are simply not Buddhist practices. -Lorne Ladner, "Wheel Of Great Compassion" Loosened & oiled Are the joys of a person. People, .. 2007. 2. 17.
Meditation with Cherry-Blossom Arrived at the finished, unfrightened, unblemished, free of craving, he has cut away the arrows of becoming. This physical heap is his last. Free from craving, ungrasping, astute in expression, knowing the combination of sounds--- which comes first & which after. He’s called a last-body greatly discerning great man. -Dhammapada Anything that acts as an antidote to self-grasping is Dharma prac.. 2007. 2. 12.
The Yin of Inner Leadership - 出 會 de-ai The Yin of Inner Leadership 陰 yin literally, "the female principle" 3. Timing 出 會 de-ai literally, "to flow together"; timing, interval, the way life's energies flow in cycles or patterns Tao leaders live close to nature. Their actions flow from the heart. In words, they are true; In decisions, just; In business, effective; In action, aware of the timing. (Tao, 8) Prevention: The Wisdom o.. 2007. 1. 29.
Pervading Serenity with Blue Mount Silhouette As rain seeps into an ill-thatched hut, so passion, the undeveloped mind. As rain doesn't seep into a well-thatched hut, so passion does not, the well-developed mind. -Dhammapada, 1 According to Buddhist psychology, most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for, attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities. The pursuit of the objects of our desire and attachment in.. 2007. 1. 25.