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by e-bluespirit 2005. 2. 15.


February 9, 2005


Web Site Analysis:






Victoria Jordan Designs
Examples of Web Design by Victoria Jordan Examples of Print Design by Victoria Jordan Examples of Paintings by Victoria Jordan





This is a front page of Victoria Jordan’s web design site. It looks like a floral site that serves for the funeral business since it’s on black background with white cut flowers. Even the title, designer’s name, looks gloomy and sad because of its irregular white oblique lines in 'Castellar’ font type hand writing. When you hit the curser to each flower, its color changed and navigates to the next pages. The color for 'Web Design’ is blue purplish fluorescent light that it feels like you’re leading to the Halloween’s hunt house. ‘PRINT DESIGN’ and ‘FINE ART’ flower colors also didn’t relate with its images.



When you go to the each category, the symbol flower with name title which is too big for the introduction undermines each web design project in same black background with same flower font color for information. Moreover, the rectangle banner for ‘Portfolio of Selected Web Design Projects’ is placed in the middle that not useful for the purpose.



When you click the 'Fine Art’ page, three links on top of the flower stem that it doesn’t look good at all. These links should be placed separate from the symbol flower that keeps the unity in each category. When you click the ‘florals’ link from the 'Fine Art’ page, finally realize that why this artist use flower for the main symbol. But again, the symbol flower and artist’s floral artworks image are not match at all.



Overall, it was easy to navigate, but I didn’t like the way the artist presents her design projects and artworks in this type of design concept including the color usages.








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